The Story of Ben Solo

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I stared at the cops and said "He's the vampire. He was trying to attack my girlfriend."

Poe shouted "You've seen me before in the sun! I'm not a vampire, he is!"

And it was our bickering that got us put on trial, including Rey. Hopefully Rey would survive, but I knew I'd die first. We were brought to the center of the town. Of course they had holy water. Rey got splashed with it first, and passed. Poe then got splashed. I hated him so much, but I felt sympathy for him, considering I'd have to deal with the same burning sensation. I looked at the preacher, and asked "Have you ever heard the story of Ben Solo?"

Centuries Ago

"Ben Solo, a young boy familiar to our small village. His disappearance has been a shock to the town. Many blame it on witches, therefore there will be witch hunts, and we will search until we find the boy!"


I stared at him dead in the eye.

"Tell me the truth."

"Well of course. It's just local legend. Some say his spirit still wanders and picks up gifts from the long running memorial."

"I see. So if I can put a stop to the legend will you spare me my life? I promise I won't bite. I would have drained you all already."

People gasped, of course that's how people are. Poe knew the truth good and well, he knew my past identity. We played in the woods as children. That was until Snoke found me, realized I was useful as a child. I always knew I was different, always knew something was off.


It makes no sense to me. It has some things to do with old witch craft and curses. That's where it started, and it grew.

I showed the people my fangs. Intimidation gets people. I shouted "I'll be needing Rey, you'll get her back unharmed if I'm cooperated with."

Of course after that I took Rey back to my mansion. She asked "What are you doing?"

I stood across from her and said "I guess it's jealously. I hope you know you're running out of time before I'm going to bite you. I know you're scared, but don't fear it. See it as new opertunity. I can take you to vampire villages, and get you readjusted to life. You can talk to all your old friends. I'll give you anything your heart desires, and I promise the bite isn't as painful as you think. It's dying that hurts the most. I'll be right by you."

She asked "What does Ben Solo have to do with this?"

I sighed "So off topic, but I'll tell you the truth. I was kidnapped, and turned. It's a better lifestyle."

"You're saying you're Ben Solo?" she asked. I nodded and said, "Ben Solo is dead, you know it's Kylo now."

She gasped "You're a legend. So is your uncle, and your whole family."

I walked close enough to her to let her know I was meaning it. "I was a legend, and my family are nothing to me now. I broke away from them after I became a soul of the dark and married you. You know you're nothing, but not to me."

At that moment I heard the door bust open downstairs.

Maybe they will rebel.

-Reylo- You Don't Get Lucky Twice (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now