Final Revenge

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Rey's POV

We spent the next few weeks alone together. Kylo showed me how to live at night again. I vaugly remember being human, and if I remember anything clearly it's not much of a memory. It's took time to remember, but at least it wasn't waisted time. Kylo is also trying to remember himself.

The thing is, Kylo's afraid of something and he's not telling me what. I've tried asking him what it is, but he dismisses me and continues on with whatever he's doing. He's been training like crazy, and stocking up on things. He thinks he's keeping it secret, but he's not. He's also spoiled me. I understand that if there was a bump in a relationship a few nice gifts would be appropriate, but Kylo has gone all out. He's been buying me more expensive dresses and jewelry that I don't need. He also had a portrait of us painted.

He's been really affectionate too. I knew that he'd be affectionate, when he needs the affection. I love it when he wants to hold on to me all day, and it's cute and all, but he'd seriously hold on to me for hours on end. He'd let go if I tell him to, but then he just seems lost after.

I sat down on the couch and thought about all of this. Kylo came storming through a few times. After about the eighth time I asked him what he was doing.

His only response was "I'm working."

I then got up and followed him. After we got to the kitchen I asked "What are you working on?"

He shook his head and muttered "Nothing."

I wrapped my arms around him and said "You're worried about something?"

He stroked my cheek and said "Extremely, but it's not your problem to worry about."

I asked "Well I'm just going to worry if you don't tell me."

He held on tight to me and said "Fine, Hux is going to try to attack us soon. I won't let him hurt us."

He then kissed my cheek and whispered "I won't let him hurt you."

I felt him let go of me, but he insisted that I stay by his side. I did for a few days, but as soon as I felt okay, the the attack came. Our house was lit on fire. I made it out just fine, but Kylo had some burns. I took him to the Knights of Ren, and they did what they could for him. We had thought that would be the last of it, but things never turn out that way.

One morning I was with Kylo. He was still pushing through his injuries and moving around. He had became super clingy to me now, worse than before. He said it made him feel better, but some part of me still thinks he was afraid.

Sadly we went to live in a village too early. Hux seized it, and Kylo began to fight back with everything he had. I knew that he couldn't do it alone, so I tried to help him fight against his word. He was sword fighting against Hux, and it was vicious. Me being the person I am, jumped on Hux and tried to hold him down, which worked until he got loose and went after me. I was slowing down. I couldn't take any more. I thought it was over for me.

But Kylo jumped in front, and saved me from a nasty bite. I soon after realized that Kylo had stabbed Hux. I didn't flat out realize that Kylo had got bit, but I quickly realized he was dying.

"Did I protect you?" he asked, becoming weaker as the minute went on. I gathered him in my arms and whispered "Yes, you did. Why did you do that?"

He did his best to hug me back. "Rey, I did it for you. I wouldn't let Hux get final word in this. You know that people don't get lucky twice. Yes, you came back, but now you'll have to survive without me, until we roam the night again."

That's when he closed his eyes, and that was the end, and how a vampire dies.

-Reylo- You Don't Get Lucky Twice (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now