Now Is The Time

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I found my way home by starlight around midnight that night. When I say home I mean the base. My knights would be here. I walked into the base, and down to the darkest chambers. I saw a few of them just chilling in the rest area. They all looked up at me, and a voice rang from the croud.

"So where's Rey?

I sighed "That's why I'm here. I need help. Rey is with Hux. I have no clue where they went or if they're in the same place. I just can't do it alone."

And they all understood.

I explained everything to all of them. That took up most of the rest of the night. I didn't have to sleep as soon as the sun started to rise, considering that we were underground, so I stayed up and took a bath filled with hot water from the spring. I soaked for hours, unaware of time. That led to me falling asleep in the bath tub, and sleeping under water all day.

I woke up surrounded by water. I was extremely disoriented. After panicking I figured out that I was still in a bath tub, and it wasn't that deep. I felt insanely stupid. I looked around and saw that it was technically the middle of the afternoon. I attempted to cough up water from my lungs. It worked out okay. I then went to bed. It had felt like forever since I laid in a comfortable bed. I laughed till I fell sleep.

The next night I woke up and went to train. Just to practice combat fighting. We all did. After that we came up with a plan.

I knew it would work this time. We all took immediate action. I ended up waiting outside the church for her with my boys. An injured werewolf won't attack alone so Hux sat in the church, looking out at us every so often. We just sat there. Of course we had to snack on a few humans, but we were hungry anyways.

It all seemed too easy. It was equivalent to sand running through your fingers. Small stones, shells and twigs were always going to get caught in your hands, some bigger than others.

"Oh God."

That's all I heard when Hux brought Rey out of the church.

"If we're going to fight over her, none of us can have her. Her body is useless to me."

I stepped forward and claimed her body for myself. I looked down at her face. It wasn't pale, but it was lighter than normal. I then listened for a heart beat.

"Kylo, don't be so love torn now. She's dead. No point in listening for a heartbeat," Hux laughed.

I did hear a faint heart beat. It was there. It was so quiet but I could hear it as clear as day.

I cradled her body and sighed "We need to go."

Armitage Hux thought he had won.

Armitage Hux did not win yet.

-Reylo- You Don't Get Lucky Twice (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now