The Day My Heart Broke In Two

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Rey yawned "Kylo, I trust you'll tell me eventually. I think you're just tired though."

This would be my first time asleep comfortably in thousands of years. Rey ran her fingers through my hair until we both fell asleep. I woke up the next night. Rey was still asleep so I decided to go try to hunt for her. I went to her village. People were still coming inside so I took my chances and grabbed one. I knocked them out and brought the body back to Rey. By then she was awake, and quite pleased by the fact I had brought her a large meal.

She walked over to me and questioned, "Are you not going to eat?"

"No, I'm good. It's all for you."

"Okay then, Kylo. I know you're hungry though."

"Starving, but it's fine. You need to eat. It's been so long since you've ate anything. Just eat up."

She grabbed my hand and sighed, "Kylo, please. You need it just as much as I do. I'm sure you've been through a lot reviving me. Just go ahead."

I listened to her, and we both ate our share. It was amazing. I've had blood one million times over thousands of years, but it's never tasted this sweet. Everything seemed good, for once things were okay. Except they weren't.

Rey and I had spent the whole night together, going to all her favorite places, seeing all our friends, and just being together. It was absolutely perfect until we were laying under the stars and Rey asked me how I got her back.

I stared her dead in the eye, and sighed "Well, it wasn't quite me."

"Really," she asked "Then who?"

I told her "You were a human, for years. I had found you on a hunt. You forgot everything. I let you live, and got you exactly what you needed. You didn't quite want to be a vampire, and I don't know why. Anyways Hux captured you in a church, and ended up poisoning you. You almost died completely, and I was worried I'd never have you so I bit you. Now you're here with me."

"So you're not the one who saved me? But you said you'd always save me. Why didn't you save me?"

I sat up and said "You were dead. I didn't think that it meant even raising you."

Rey seemed so heart broken. She got up and asked "Did you even try?"

"No. I didn't think it was right to."

"Then what kind of saviour are you? You didn't even try."

That struck me right in the heart. I couldn't respond in any way that I knew of. It made me seem like a dumb human. I threw my hood over my head and mumbled "I didn't even think I ever was one to begin with. Not to anyone but the villages."

"Know what, let's go home. I can't believe you Kylo. I thought you'd do whatever for me. Apparently not."

That caused my heart to break in two.

-Reylo- You Don't Get Lucky Twice (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now