Wedding Invitations

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I'm awaken the next morning by the shower running. When I open my eyes Benji is no where to be seen. I figured he went to shower and I didn't mind at all. Everything that happened last night, I didn't know how to comprehend it. Benji, my best friend and I kissed and now we're dating. I had a feeling in my gut that we were moving to fast or even maybe that this isn't what I wanted. But the way Benji treats me is just wonderful. I always feel like a princess around him.

I stretch and get out of bed before heading to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. After searching through the few outfits I finally decide on leggings and a oversized sweater, that hung off my shoulder. I quickly brush my hair and put it up in a loose braid. Feeling semi satisfied I decided to grab something to eat. Because you know, food is life.

I make my way into the kitchen to find Jonas sitting at the bar stool. His head was in his hands and his whole body was slack. As I get closer he glances over at me and I could see the emotion in his bloodshot eyes.

"Hey Lace" he says in a low voice

I don't respond, instead I walk to the counter and grab a coffee cup out before pouring myself some coffee.

"Can you please talk to me? Please stop ignoring me" he says quietly.

I could tell he was tired, his eyes were red and he just looked wore out.

"Where's Spence?"

"School, and Vikki went to sample cakes"

I scrunched my face at the mention of her name.

"I didn't ask about Vikki I asked about my brother" I snap at him.

He hangs his head again and his bangs fall in front of his eyes. When he doesn't say anything else to me, I feel as maybe I went to far.

"Did you not sleep last night?" I ask

He just shakes his head.

"Why not?"

His body tenses.

"Couldn't shut my brain off"

I lean against the counter and just stare at him. He looked really really bad. I kinda felt bad. Kinda.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you and screaming at you all the time Jonas" I say running my thumb along the rim of my cup.

His eyes meet mine and his body loosens up.

"Don't apologize, I deserve it. I was such an asshole and what I did to you was a dick move. If I had known it would make you feel the way it did then I never would've..."

"Would've what?"

"I wouldn't have kissed you"

Shot to the heart. I drop my gaze to the floor looking at my polished toes. I really wanted to scream and yell and kick the shit out of him, but I couldn't get myself to move. I just stand frozen, staring at my feet.

"Lacey.." he says my name so quiet, I bring my eyes back to his.

"So you regret it?" I ask my voice almost a whisper

His brown eyes search mine, he looked pained, torn. After a few seconds of agonizing silence he finally answers me.


I felt my heart shatter into a million tiny shards. Tears threaten to spill but I hold them back. I'm not gonna let him win by crying in front of him.

"Oh" I say dropping my gaze back to the floor.


He's cut off by my bedroom door opening. Benji comes walking out in his clothes from last night and his hair was all messy and damp.

Benji look at me then at his brother.

Once Jonas sees him he tenses up again and his eyes become dark and filled anger.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jonas snaps at his brother

"I invited him to stay the night!" I yell at him

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"Yes!" He yells

"That's to damn bad Jonas! You gave up your chance at caring! I can invite whoever the hell I want over and you can't say anything!"

He shuts his mouth and rakes his hand through his hair clearly agitated.

"Why him?" He asks quietly after he calmed himself down.

When I don't respond Jonas slams his hands on the counter making me jump and he storms off to his room and slamming the door.

"You okay?" Benji asks walking closer to me.

I nod my head.

"Yeah, he just makes me so angry! Is he that controlling at home?"

Benji lets out a soft chuckle.

"I actually haven't seen him get that worked up in a while. He's just stressed, I'm sure he didn't mean anything he said"

I seriously doubt that.

I let out a breath and lay my head on his chest.
He wraps his arms around me in response.

"Wanna go do something? We can go to the park or walk around town, the carnival just came. We can get your mind off everything"

"As sweet and nice as that sounds I can't. I really need to unpack and start working on my recipe book and I still have to study for my finals for when I get back overseas."

"My girls busy huh?" He says with a chuckle

My girl

I couldn't help but smile. He was so sweet.

"Thank you Benji."

"For what?"

"Being you"

He smiles at me before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I know you kinda hate him right now, but would you wanna be my date to the wedding? I mean you are kinda my girlfriend"

I didn't want to go to his wedding. I didn't want to spend another second with him or around him. But I would be doing it for Benji, not Jonas.

Benji didn't deserve to be put in the middle of whatever the hell we were fighting about. And besides Jonas made it clear how he felt. When he stormed off I was upset and angry and I wanted to knock his lights out.

But now, all I could think about was Benji. Benji is what mattered not Jonas.

"I'd love to"

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