I had been texting Nova all day. I really needed to figure out what the hell was going on. She never responded and I haven't seen her in a few days, which was very unusual.
"Earth to Lacey?" Wes says breaking me out of my thoughts.
"I asked if something was bothering you, but I think I have my answer"
"I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind right now."
He leans in his forearms linking his fingers together.
"Care to explain?"
I shrug my shoulders.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I'm here if you need to get it off your chest"
I smile at him.
"Thanks Wes"
He smiles at me before stealing a French fry off of my plate.
"Hey!" I shout smacking his arm.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist"
"Get your own food man"
"My cousin is on her way with my money I left at home, I'll get food later. But for now" he pauses and takes a grape off my tray and pops it in his mouth.
He laughs as Drew and two other guys sit down at the table.
"Lacey you still sitting with us? I would've thought that Wes would've scared you off"
"Nah, it'll take a lot more than bad table manners to get me to leave" I say with a chuckle
"Hah! Wes is gonna need some ice for that burn"
"Shut up" Wes says, glaring at Drew
"Oh Lacey, I'd like you to meet the rest of our crew, this here is Bryce and Sid" Drew says motioning to the two blonde boys sitting next to him.
"If you can't tell they are twins, but complete opposites. Bryce is a chem nerd and Sid is a, well a Sid"
The twins shoot daggers at Drew as he introduces them. I turn my attention back to the twins and take in their appearances. Bryce was wearing a T-shirt and jeans and his hair was styled and his bright blue eyes sparkles under the rims of his glasses. Sid on the other hand was wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt that he had under a red and black flannel, his messy and shaggy blonde hair was hidden under a red beanie.
"Ignore him please. I'm Bryce Hammond, and this is my brother Sid" Bryce says as he sticks his hand out for me to shake.
I take it and flash them a smile.
"Lacey Wright"
"Nice to meet you Lacey"
"You too" I respond smiling at the boys.
We all continue to eat our food as Wes just stares, bored. Suddenly his phone pings with a text message.
"Oh good my cousin is here" he says looking around the courtyard, he stands up and starts waving at someone before returning to his seat.
"Here you go you big doofus" a british voice says behind me.
I whip around and see April standing there. She notices me and smiles.
"Heya Lacey, man it's a small world"
"You two know each other?" Wes asked shocked
"Yeah! We say next to each other on the ride here!" April says cheerfully.
"A-April, Hi." Sid says meekly
"Hi Sid, how's it been?"
He nods slowly as a blush creeps up his cheeks.
April smiles at him before sitting down next to me.
"Oh bloody hell Sid" April says giggling as Sid looks at her and knocks his soda can over. He quickly shoots up and starts cleaning the mess with napkins. Wes and I laugh as he stumbles to clean up his mess.
My laughing stops when there's a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see a very disheveled Nova.I quickly stand up and face her.
"Are you okay? Why haven't you been answering my calls or texts?"
Her eyes well up with tears and I pull her away from the crowd and over to the bleachers by the football field.
"Nova what happened?" I ask as she starts crying.
"I'm sorry Lacey, I should've told you sooner, I was scared, I don't know what to do"
My heart breaks seeing my best friend broken.
"Nova is this about the baby?" I ask rubbing small circles on her back.
Her jaw drops and her eyes widen as she stares up at me.
"How did you-"
"Jonas found the test in my bathroom, he thought it was mine."
Nova buries her head in her hands as she continues sobbing.
"I'm so sorry Lacey, I didn't mean to cause problems"
"I know, it was probably for the best anyway" I whisper
"You guys broke up?" She shouts.
I slowly nod my head.
"Oh god Lacey, this is all my fault, I'll talk to him."
"Don't bother, Spencer already had it out with him"
"Does he know?"
"Who spence?"
She slowly nods her head.
She hangs her head again and starts wiping tears from her eyes.
"How'd Dakota take the news?"
"He claimed that I cheated and that it's not his. He called me a slut and kicked me out. I'm not Lacey, I've never had sex with anyone but him"
"I know, it's okay" I say trying to soothe her.
April runs up to us.
"Hey you okay Nova?" She asks in a sweet voice
Nova turns her attention to April whose face is covered with concern.
"No im not okay" Nova says trying to hold back the sobs.
April sits down next to her and starts rubbing her back.
"How about a girls day? We can all meet at Lacey's house and watch Disney movies while eating ice cream?"
Nova looks up at her.
"That would be amazing"
April smiles and gives Nova a hug.
"I'll let Spencer know, it'll be worse then red week"
Nova busts out laughing and continues wiping her tears.
After a few minutes she composed herself.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take you guys from your food"
"Hey that's what friends are for" April says beaming.
"You'll just owe me Taco Bell" I say which causes Nova to laugh again.
"You ready?" I ask her
She nods her head at me and takes a deep breath.
We stand up and make our way back over the the lunch table where all the boys are talking about something boy related.
We all sit back down, Nova between Wes and I, and April on my other side, sitting next to Drew who has the twins on his left. Sid's face gets red as April sits down and smiles at him.
Even with Dakota not in her life I knew Nova was strong, and maybe she needed someone there for her. Maybe, just maybe, Nova would be okay.

Just Us ✔️
Storie d'amoreLacey Wright finally moves back home after traveling around Europe with her parents for over two years. Everything she left behind is the same, including her feelings for her best friend Jonas Manchester. There's only one problem.... He's engaged...