What Comes Around...

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I wasn't meaning to be a dick towards her. I wasn't meaning to push her away. But I couldn't control it. Why did everything have to be so messed  up? Why did I have to always mess it up with her. She wouldn't forgive me again. I needed to fix it.

I stare at my dads hospital room door waiting for her to reappear. I was getting impatient. Very impatient.

"Jonas" Spencer's voice says next to me.

I whip my head in his direction.


"I asked how you were holding up."

I run my hands through my hair and down my face as my leg jiggles up and down.

"I'm losing her man"

"Well you've been a dick all day, she was trying to help you and you snapped at her and made her feel worthless"

I turn my head back to the door.

"I never meant to, I don't want her feeling like that spence."

"And what's with you ignoring her? You haven't even looked at her since we've been here."

"I can't look at her, not when I've been such a dick. I don't want to see her hurt"

Spencer scoffs.

"You are a dumbass. You're pushing her away and she won't come back this time. You need to do something about it"

I know he's right, I know I need to talk to her. But I can't. Why can't I?

Because you know what you've done

I groan and rub my face in irritation. I didn't deserve her. She was to good.

Just then Benji and my mom come back inside. My mom comes over to me as Spencer leaves and takes a seat across the room with Benji.

"Hi mom"

She sits next to me and has a sweet smile on her face.

"Where's Lacey?"

"With dad"

"How's she doing?"

"Good, I think." I pause

"I don't know" I say in a quiet voice

My mom looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean you don't know? What happened?"

"I'm losing her mom, I can't seem to stop making mistakes with her. I'm pushing her away and I don't know what to do anymore"

She places a hand on my shoulder.

"Talk to me honey, what happened?"

"We we're doing fine. We were happy. And I kept it from her that I had to come out here for a while. And then I didn't tell her until the day before I was supposed to come back that I was staying longer. And on the way here I snapped at her and said stuff I didn't mean"

"Jonas she understands that you were coming to see your father, I know she does, there has to be more to the story"

"She's forgiven me so many times, to many times, I don't have any chances left. Victoria came by the other day and said she missed me, and she kissed me"

My moms face morphs into a look of disgust

"Does Lacey know?"

I nod my head


"She forgave me."

My moms silent for a while. When she's about to speak again the door to my dads room opens and Lacey steps out, her eyes were red and swollen. My heart twisted. I was in pain seeing her hurting.

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