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I'm awaken by a soft knock on my door and someone calling me.


I groan and burrow my face further in my pillow. My head hurt so bad and I felt like shit. I hadn't drank that much booze in a long time.

"Jonas you have to wake up. You'll be late for class"

I groan again.

"Jonas" she says placing her small hand on my back gently.

"Please stop yelling lulu my head is killing me"

She chuckles and it's music to my ears.

"I brought you some pain pills for your headache."

I open one eye and squint in her direction. She was stunning, she had on fuzzy socks that she loved to wear and shorts that showed off her beautifully long and tan legs and had an oversized T-shirt on. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had on her glasses which somehow made her blue eyes sparkle even more. She had just woken up but the sight of her made my heart leap.

"Can you sit up and take the pills?" She asks me sweetly.

I grunt and groan as I slowly sit up on the bed. This sucked. Hangovers were the worst.

She holds her hand out and gives me two small white pills and a glass of water.

"I also have some coffee brewing for you when you're ready to come out, it'll help with the headache."

I look up at her after swallowing the pills and chugging the water.

"Thanks lulu"

She shows me a small smile before walking out of my bedroom.

I groan and lay myself back on the bed as carefully as I can and place my arm over my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I don't remember anything that happened. But I could tell I was hungover. What could've caused me to start drinking again. After the accident I stopped drinking and now, I didn't know what the hell had gotten into me.

Thinking about it just made my head hurt worse, so I decide that it's time for coffee, that'll help, hopefully. I slowly ease myself up and head to the kitchen. When I get to the entranceway I stop in my tracks and just admire Lacey, she's leaning against the counter on her phone smiling, like she just read something funny. My attention is drawn to the toaster when two pop tarts spring up. I watch as Lacey takes the pop tarts and put them on a plate and then pour a cup of coffee for herself. How could she do everything so elegantly.

"You feeling better?" She asks me

I didn't realize she had saw me, I hope she didn't catch me staring.

"A little. Thanks by the way for the pills"

A small smile appears on her lips and she turns back around to pick up a pop tart then holds it out in my direction.

"Pop tart? It's strawberry flavored."

Strawberry were her favorite pop tarts. She always ate them growing up.

"Sure thanks" I respond stepping closer to the kitchen.

She places the pop tart on a paper plate and then places it on the bar as I take a seat on the stool. I take a bite of the crunchy pastry and let the gooey strawberry filling melt on my tongue.

"Here's some coffee, just the way you like it"

"Thanks lulu" I say taking the cup out of her hands.

I take a sip and the creamy hot liquid warms my body to the core. This all was wonderful but my head was still throbbing. I lay my head in my hands and rest my elbows on the countertop.

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