We were all jumping, bopping and grinding to the music that was playing. I was having a great time hanging out with my friends. Nova and Wes had disappeared a while ago, but I knew they were okay. Nothing to be worried about. Benji was doing all kinds of weird dance moves in front of me causing me to laugh my ass off. We were hot and sweaty and having a ball!
"I need to go sit down!" I shout to Benji over the music.
He nods and takes my hand before leading us over to a table, I sit down and start fanning myself.
"I'll go get you a drink" Benji says
"Thank you!" I shout over the music.
He turns and heads in the other direction.
The song changes to a slow dance, and the mc grabs the mic and speaks.
"This is for all you lovers out there, grab your partner and sway to the music"
Then perfect by ed sheeran begins playing. I watch as all of my friends pair up and slow dance. I'm glad they were having a good time.
"Can I have this dance?" A voice says from behind me.
I whip around and see a man standing in an all white suit with a white mask.
"Uh my date should be back any second" I stutter
"It's okay, he won't mind" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the dance floor.
He places my hand in his and places his free hand on the small of my back.
I was very uncomfortable. I didn't like a stranger holding me like this.
He pulls my body closer to his as we sway to the music."You look really really sexy in that dress" the stranger says in a low raspy voice that sent chills down my spine.
I recognized his voice, and the scent that radiates off of him, cologne and after shave.
"What the hell are you doing here Jonas?"
"Since you decided to ignore my calls and texts, I figured this would be the only way I could get you to talk to me"
"You're an ass" I say tearing myself away from him, but he just spins me back into his arms.
"Why would you say that lulu?" He asks with hurt in his voice
"First off you scared the shit out of me, I thought you were some freak. Secondly, you can't just show up and take me away from my date. Thirdly, you never answered me on why you were here."
"Lulu, it's pretty simple. I missed you like crazy and when you didn't talk to me, I figured I needed to make it up to you. I knew you were pissed because I didn't tell you I was leaving and I knew that you were pissed I had to stay longer, and that I didn't tell you until the day before I was supposed to come home."
"That pretty much sums it up" I answer harshly
"But baby, I missed you. I missed your voice, I missed your smile, I missed your laugh, your kisses, your lips. I missed you" he says is a low raspy voice that makes my insides melt.
"But what are you doing at the dance?"
"Benji and I planned it as a surprise for you, are you surprised?"
"Well yes, obviously, I didn't think you were coming back for a few more days"
"I'm back for good baby" he says as he leans in
"Benji planned this? I thought you guys weren't on very good terms right now?"
He pulls away.
"We aren't, but he wanted you happy, and he was telling me how miserable you were. But you hid it really well. And I couldn't be away any longer so when he told me you agreed to go to the dance I took my shot. He even bought me the suit and mask."
I take a step back to look at him fully. He had on an all white suit, a white bow tie, and a white vest. Along with a white mask that contrasted his raven hair perfectly.
"Well he did a good job" I mumble
Jonas chuckles which makes my heart jump.
He pulls me closer to him and rest his cheek on mine as we continue to slow dance.
"Did you miss me lulu?" He rasps in my ear.
"Of course I did, I missed you like crazy" I whisper
I feel him smile against my cheek.
"That's good, because I missed you too"
"Jonas you said that already"
"I know, but it's true, I couldn't sleep."
I feel myself blush.
"I'm sorry" I whisper
"For what?" He asks pulling away slightly so he could look me in the eyes.
"Being such a bitch to you, I was being mean and a baby when you had to leave and you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry"
Jonas chuckles slightly.
"I would've been pissed too lulu, I understand it. And what you said at the hotel really stayed with me. It seems as if we finally were doing okay and then I had to go a ruin it again, by not telling you"
"I didn't mean it. I was afraid of losing you" I whisper
"Lulu you could never lose me. I love you baby."
"I love you Jonas"
He smiles and kisses my cheek.
That action sent sparks flying and butterflies to form in my stomach, I really did miss him. I missed his warmth. I missed his hugs. I missed his smell. I missed his eyes. I missed his kisses. I missed him. And I didn't realize how much until just now.
"Lulu baby why are you crying?" He asks as we stop swaying.
I hadn't even realized I was crying.
"I just missed you, a lot, and now that your back I'm just really really happy."
He smiles and wipes the tears that rolled down my cheeks.
"Let's go get you cleaned up" he says as he takes my hand and leads me out of the gym and into a bathroom.
"Jonas this is the girls bathroom"
"I don't care" he says taking the mask off my face.
He wipes my tears away and I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. His arms snake around my waist and he hugs me back. I feel him let out a deep breath and his body loosens. He pulls away and lifts me up setting me on the counter. He grabs some paper towels and wets them before wringing them out and then dabbing my face and eyes.
I reach out and poke his cheek."What are you doing?"
"Just making sure you're real"
He smirks at me before placing his hands on my hips.
"I'm very real, I can promise you that" he says as he leans in.
I can feel the warmth of his breath.
"Prove it" I whisper never taking my eyes away from his.
I see a glimmer in his deep brown eyes before he leans in and closes the space between us. His lips molding perfectly to mine. All the love and passion we felt for each other was in that kiss.
Three weeks without each other, and we were pouring all of ourselves into that kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me.
Eventually we have to pull away to catch our breath. Both of us breathing heavy. I rest my forehead against his and stare into his eyes and I try to catch my breath.
" I love you so much Jonas"
"I love you too"

Just Us ✔️
RomantikLacey Wright finally moves back home after traveling around Europe with her parents for over two years. Everything she left behind is the same, including her feelings for her best friend Jonas Manchester. There's only one problem.... He's engaged...