I did exactly what I said, once we got back to the apartment I avoided Victoria who was on the couch watching tv and Jonas who was sitting on a bar stool. He tried to get my attention but I ignored him. I just walked right into my room. He got up and followed me but I shut and locked my bedroom door before he could reach me. He tried knocking, calling and texting me. But I wasn't having it. I missed him like crazy but I didn't want to face him after what happened. I didn't want to get hurt again.
I had just finished yet another episode of Pretty little liars when my bladder decided to almost burst. But I can't blame it after drinking a ton of water. I throw my covers off of me and rush into my bathroom. Once I'm done I wash my hands and glance at the time on my phone it was 2:36 AM nobody else would be up this late so I was good. I grab all the empty water bottles from my bedside table and floor before unlocking my door and heading into the kitchen. I toss the bottles in the trash before grabbing some grapes out of the fridge and heading back to my room. I pop a grape in my mouth as I shut my bedroom door and plop down on my bed. I continue to munch on grapes for a while before finally deciding to get changed into my pjs. Due to the fact that I'm a lazy teenager I didn't change out of my sun dress. I grab some shorts and a tank top out of my dresser and quickly change before tossing my dress in the hamper. Just as I climb back into my warm and soft bed there's a soft knock on my door before it slowly creeks open.
"Lulu? You still awake?"
I was hoping to avoid him a little longer.
He slowly walks in and shuts the door behind him. The only light in the room was coming from my lamp that was sitting on my bedside table, and it made him look even more irresistible. The warm glow of the light reflected off of his chiseled chest and defined abs which were on full display for me. Jonas never slept with a shirt on he claims he always gets to hot. He shoved his hands in his sweatpants pockets and studied the floor.
"Did you need something?" I ask him when she doesn't say anything.
He tilts his head up so his gaze meets mine. His eyes looked tired. He looked exhausted.
"I needed to see you. I've been tossing all night, I can't fall asleep not knowing where we stand now."
"You've been avoiding me since you got back from the school. I've been trying to get ahold of you so we could talk, and when I heard you get up I came to see you. I'm sorry lulu. I'm sorry I'm such a screw up. I'm trying really hard to do things right with you this time because I don't want to lose you again."
My heart dropped, his voice was so low and sad but I could hear the sincerity in his voice. And I knew him. I knew that he meant what he said but I couldn't shake the feeling in my gut telling me this was a bad idea.
"Did you talk to her ... about the baby?"
"I brought it up, but she didn't really answer my questions."
"Do you think,"
I stop myself I couldn't say it.
"I don't know what to believe anymore lulu, one minute she's all over me and the next she completely ignores me. I don't want to abandon my kid, I want to be in its life, but without her in the picture."
"But Jonas what happens if it isn't yours?"
He hangs his head again we both knew the answer but neither of us could say it.
"But what if it is Lacey?"
I felt my heart breaking the more this conversation lasted. I didn't want to lose him either.
"Maybe you should have her get a test done?"
He rubs his hands down his face in irritation.
"I don't know what to think anymore Lace. A part of me is hoping that the kid is mine, I've always wanted a family. But the other part of me hopes that it's not. Because I don't love her and if I have a family I want it to be with someone I love... with you lulu"
His chocolate brown eyes bore into mine as we stare at each other neither of us saying a word.
"If the kid is yours then you'll stay with Vikki. And I'll be happy that you got the family you've always wanted. And I know you'll be a wonderful daddy Jonas."
His face softens and conforms into a look of pain.
"I'm not going to chose between you because it'll always be you Lacey. Every time it'll be you. I'll break up with her and if the kid is mine, we can make it work. But I need you as a part of my life, I can't be away from you again. I can't"
"I would never ask you to chose. I would leave before you had to make a choice. A baby needs it's parents, both of them in it's life."
He steps closer to my bed.
"Please lulu, I can't lose you. I can't do it. It was hell for me when you were gone. I gave up, I didn't fight for you and now look where I'm at"
I get out of bed and walk to him gently placing my hand on the side of his face.
"Jonas look at me"
He tilts his head to look on my direction as he lifts one hand to grab mine and interlock our fingers.
"I'm not going to make you chose. We'll make it work like you said. But promise me you'll at least try and approach her about the topic. I don't want you raising a kid that's not yours, but I want you to be happy raising your son or daughter as well. As much as I'd hate the idea of taking care of Victoria's kid, I'd suffer through it for you Jonas."
He slowly leans down and places a sweet gentle kiss on my lips. I felt his pain, I felt the tension he carried and all the guilt. I felt it all in that kiss. His jaw was clenched so tight. When he breaks the kiss he rests his forehead on mine.
"I promise I'll fight for you, I'll do anything to keep you around. I already broke one promise to you and I'm not going to break another one. I need to see that smile of yours Lacey."
I press my lips to his and place my hands on the sides of his face. He snakes his arms around my body and pulls me close to him. He was afraid I was going to slip away, he was afraid I was going to let go. He was afraid he was going to lose me.
He pulls me closer to his body and pours so much of himself into the kiss, so much pain, and sorrow, and guilt, and regret. There was so much, it overwhelmed me.
"I love you Lacey, I love you so much" he says in a quiet voice as he pulls away from me.
"Lay down with me?"
A small smile forms on his lips before he places a quick kiss on my forehead. I pull my body away from his and grab onto his hand leading him to my bed. We climb under the covers and I grab his hand and wrap his arm around my waist before linking our fingers together. I felt his body relax as he melted into the bed.
"Goodnight Jonas"
"Goodnight lulu"

Just Us ✔️
RomanceLacey Wright finally moves back home after traveling around Europe with her parents for over two years. Everything she left behind is the same, including her feelings for her best friend Jonas Manchester. There's only one problem.... He's engaged...