Nova was right, I was being a dumbass. I pushed her away again, before I got the whole story. She told me that it wasn't hers, and I didn't believe her. I wanted to, god I wanted to, but I didn't. She even gave me a chance to apologize, to say something. I didn't. And she walked away again. And I let her. Why the hell did I let her?
After making sure Spencer wouldn't hit his head on any pointy objects; because that's how drunk Spencer is, running into everything. I quietly leave his room and head to mine. After shutting the door to my bedroom I lean against the door and look at my room. Victoria's stuff was still everywhere, she hadn't come to get it yet, any of it. My blood boiled seeing the engagement ring I gave her last year, sitting on the dresser. She forgot to put it back on after one of her 'late' days at work. I couldn't take it anymore. I start grabbing all of her things and packing them in boxes. I didn't want to see any of it again. I hated everything in this room, everything reminded me of her. I hated that.
After packing her stuff I moved all the boxes to the hallway, I didn't want them in the apartment anymore. I wanted her as far away from me as possible.
On my way to get the last few boxes, I passed by Lacey's room. Just like I did every time, but this time I decided to go in. I slowly enter her room and take every inch of it in. This room used to just be where the guys would sleep after they were to plastered to move, and now it was filled with Lacey's things. The board of the wall that had pictures all over it.
Pictures of Lacey's childhood and memories of her growing up. The small desk in the corner that had her laptop and camera on it. I slowly walk over and pick up her camera, I turn it on and start scrolling through the pictures she's taken as I make my way to her bed. She had pictures of every place she had been, Italy, France, England. Everywhere. And she never deleted any of them. She had over 4,000 pictures just on this memory card. All of different places she's visited, or foods she created, nature, pictures of her and her parents. And I looked through every single one.
I guess I had fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was waking up holding one of her pillows close to me. I nuzzle my face deeper into the pillow taking in her scent. The smell of apples and strawberries filled my nose. I was content having her scent surround me. But it wasn't enough, I wanted her. I wanted to hold her and feel the heat radiate off of her skin, I missed the feeling of her body pressed up against mine, and the way her lips molded onto mine. I missed her.
I pull my phone out of my pocket and try to call her, it rings and rings until going to voicemail. I try again with the same results. I try again and still nothing. I was dying inside not hearing her voice. After the beep I start talking.
"Lulu, please answer the phone, i was such an idiot and I'm sorry baby, please call me and let me know you're okay, I'm worried and I miss you. I love you babygirl"
After I hang up I lay my head back on her pillow. I needed to see her, I couldn't handle it. I knew Nova was pissed so she wouldn't answer the phone my only other hope was my brother. His is the next number I call, after a few rings he answers.
"Benji Hey, do you know where Lacey is?"
"Yeah we're at the lake"
"Yeah Lacey, Nova, Me and some of their friends"
"Oh, h-how is she?"
Benji pauses and I hear leaves crunching as he walks away from the group.
"She's pissed at you man"
I run my free hand through my hair.
"I know, I'm a dumbass."
Benji chuckles
"We should get you a sticker"
"Ha you're so funny"
"In all seriousness she really misses you though, she hasn't stopped crying"
I felt a pain inside me, she was crying because of the way I acted and the way I treated her.
"Can I come see her? Do you think she'd want to see me?"
Benji stays silent in the other line.
"I think she'd love to see you."
I felt my mood lighten, I needed to see her.
"Great I'll be there in-"
"But I don't think you should come"
My mood drops again, my heart became heavy
"Just give her some space Jonas, you really hurt her, she'll talk to you when she's ready. I don't think it's best that you come here while she's trying to forget"
Forget? She's trying to forget? Did that mean she was drinking? Lacey didn't handle liqueur well. I really hoped it wasn't that.
"Benji I need to see her"
"You will when she goes home, just let her go right now."
"Okay, just promise me you'll take care of her"
"Of course man"
I hang up the phone before throwing it on her bed. I start pacing the room worrying about her, but I know Benji won't let anything happen to her.
To make the time speed up I decide to take a long and hot shower, I really needed to think. Think about us, me, everything. I grab my phone off her bed and make my way into my bathroom before shutting the door and taking off my shirt, I catch a glimpse of the black ink encased on my ribs in the mirror and study it.
The memories come flashing back to my head. All of them, the accident, Lacey, the hospital. Everything came back and it sucked. The date I had imprinted on my skin was here to stay, and so were the memories that came along with it.
I peel my eyes away from my tattoo and finish undressing before stepping into the shower and turning on the water. I close my eyes as I let the water cascade down my neck and back and Lacey's face pops up in my head, just like it did every time I closed my eyes. I couldn't help it. I loved her, I was in love with her.
I couldn't stop thinking about what I could do to make it up to her. Really I knew the answer, nothing. I didn't deserve her forgiveness, not again. I've already screwed up so many times with her. But I needed to try, I needed her, every part of her. I wasn't going to give up. I wasn't going to stop, not when I was so close to grabbing her, I swore to myself when I got her.
I would never let her go.

Just Us ✔️
RomanceLacey Wright finally moves back home after traveling around Europe with her parents for over two years. Everything she left behind is the same, including her feelings for her best friend Jonas Manchester. There's only one problem.... He's engaged...