"What!?" Nova screams
I just stand there frozen. Maya, the girl I had trusted and told almost everything to the last few days was the little sister of my enemy. Just great
"I'm sorry! I didn't tell you before because I though you would hate me."
"Well you'd be right about that" Nova says
"Please Lacey, you have to believe me, I never had any bad intentions when I started hanging out with you."
The crazy thing was that I did believe her, she never once made me assume anything was wrong, and she's been nothing but a sweetheart.
"I do" I say
Nova looks at me surprised
"You believe her? How? Her sister made Jonas's life a living hell and she dragged you into it!"
"That was Victoria, not Maya."
Nova purses her lips. I know she didn't agree with my decision but she was going to support me, that's just how Nova was.
"Okay, can someone fill me in please?" April asks.
Nova grabs her arm and leads her into my bedroom, leaving me with Maya.
Neither of us say a word, until finally she clears her throat and speaks.
"I'm sorry Lacey, I should've told you. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship"
"I know. Listen Maya, you aren't your sister. All the things she did that made her a horrible human being, that's on her. Not you. I will talk to Spencer, he shouldn't have said what he did to you."
"No lace, I deserved it. I was helping Victoria keep the affair a secret, I helped her do all of the horrible things to Jonas and you. I just.. I was just like her"
"But you're not now, that's what matters, not what happened in the past but right now"
Tears brim her eyes as she looks up at me.
"I found out she was pregnant, and then when she said she wanted to get rid of the baby, that's when I stopped. It wasn't right, she lied to Benji and she lied to Jonas, and then she wanted to just get rid of her mistake and I wasn't going to let her do it again."
"When she was sixteen she got pregnant. She was so excited to be a mom, and she would've been a great one. She always took care of me and our brothers. But when her boyfriend left her after she told him, she couldn't handle the thought of raising the baby alone. She had an abortion, she never told anyone except me. Everybody thought she just had a miscarriage. And then when she got pregnant again. She had two great guys who were willing to help her raise the child and she still wanted to get rid of it. But I wasn't okay with it. It's not right."
Tears start pouring out of her eyes.
"Oh Maya" I say wrapping her in an embrace.
"That was her decision, I know it's hard to wrap your head around, but she chose it, not you. Don't blame yourself."
Maya sobs into my shoulder as I hold her. I was glad she told me. She didn't deserve to keep it bundled inside her like that. Nobody deserves that.
Hours had passed and everyone was back on speaking terms. Nova was still a little pissed, but she was over it. All the boys had finished practice and now we were all hanging out in the park.
Wes had told me to gather everyone because he had something planned.
He was dressed in a white button up shirt, grey slacks, and black shoes. His hair was slicked back and he looked really good.
He adjusts his collar before grabbing a bouquet of flowers he had bought. He starts walking in the direction of Nova and April.
"Nova?" Wes says in a meek voice.
Nova turns around and the smile she had on her face dropped.
"Wes, what," she pauses.
He holds the flowers out to her, she takes them with a grin on her face.
"I don't know how to do this, so I'm just going to ask. Nova will you go to the dance with me?"
She raises an eyebrow at him, he shuffles in his feet the longer she stays silent.
"Yes Wes! Yes! I'd love to go to the dance with you!" Nova screams as she runs into his arms.
"Looks like everyone's going to the dance now, you sure you don't want to?" Maya says next to me.
"What? Everyone else is going?"
"Yeah, Sid is bringing April, Wes and Nova are going together, I'm going with Bryce, Drew is bringing some girl from the cheer squad, Micheal's bringing his girlfriend, and Benji said he was going to go solo"
"Wow. Wait Micheal has a girlfriend?"
"Yeah she's homeschooled, they've known each other for a long time."
"Aww that's so sweet"
"Yeah. So do you still not want to go?"
"Fine I'll go, but only to hang out with my friends."
Maya squeals and hugs me.
"Yay! Now we can go dress shopping!"
"Yay!" I say unenthusiastically. I wasn't one that enjoyed shopping, unless it was retail therapy.
Before she can respond her phone pings with a text.
"Oh sorry, it's my mom, I have to go, but text me when you want to go shopping!"
I smile at her as she gets up and starts heading back to her house.
Benji appears next to me shortly after.
"Hey Lace can we talk?"
"Sure" I say standing up
We walk shoulder to shoulder over near the pond, away from our friends.
"What's up Benji?"
"I couldn't help but overhear that you decided to go to the dance this weekend?"
"Yeah, Maya practically begged me, and we both know Nova wouldn't have let me not go" I say with a chuckle
"Well, um how would you feel about going with me?"
"Like as your date?"
A smile appears on my face.
"That'd be great Benji"
His face lights up.
"Great! So I'll pick you up around 6? We can eat with the gang and then head to the dance?"
"Sounds great! What color should I wear?"
"Whatever you want, you'll look gorgeous in anything"
I blush at his comment.
"Okay so Ill see you a 6?"
I nod my head.
"Yup see you at 6"

Just Us ✔️
RomanceLacey Wright finally moves back home after traveling around Europe with her parents for over two years. Everything she left behind is the same, including her feelings for her best friend Jonas Manchester. There's only one problem.... He's engaged...