Things We Lost - Prolouge

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A/n: This is my first story on Wattpad so I hope you enjoy!

Manhattan has always stayed the same. Maybe a few changes in technology and lifestyle, but it was always the same. People crowding the sidewalks, cars crowding the streets. Everyone knew each other. The year is 1939. 20 year-old Jessica James Evans is best friends with James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes and Steven Rogers. She has known them ever since they were kids. Later in the years Jessica became friends with scientist and mechanical engineer Howard Stark when she stated she is involved in those professions herself. Jessie is unlike most girls in personality and clothing style. Her hair is dark brown reaching slightly past her shoulders. When kept down, her hair is wavy. Her eyes are an ocean blue color with a ring of green around the pupils. Like Steve, Jessie is an only child. Always hanging around Steve and Bucky changed Jessie. She constantly gets into fights with boys, most of them bully Steve or want to pick a fight with her. She was small as a kid, growing up to be skinny and with a lack of muscle much like Steve. Howard mentioned a way to change that. Jessie was tested with a Super Soldier serum, growing in height and earning strength. Unlike most girls, she doesn't like wearing dresses or skirts and prefers to wear pants. Being best friends with Bucky makes girls like Jessie in a sister way.

Bucky and Steve were walking along the sidewalks of Manhattan. Steve was insecure because of his height and size. He was 5'4" in height while Bucky was 5'11" and Jessie was, now, 5'10". Being around Bucky and Jessie made him feel safe, but right now, Jessie was the one they were looking for. Walking past an alleyway, Bucky heard a commotion. He and Steve stopped and backtracked to the alley. They began to walk down it and stopped when they saw a kid, about fourteen, sitting against the wall with his knees pulled to his chest while three boys fought with what looked to be a woman. The kid noticed Steve and Bucky and ran over to them hiding behind Bucky.

"Hey, kid, what happened?" Bucky asked looking the kid in the eyes. The young boy reminding the 21 year-old of Steve.

"Those three guys began to pick on me then dragged me down here to beat me up," he began answering. "That girl noticed and began to fight with the guys, standing up for me." Bucky and Steve let out frustrated sighs.

"I got this." Bucky began walking toward the three boys fighting with his friend. When she was in range, he pulled her away by the arm and carried her away from the boys, his arms wrapped around her waist.

"And I don't want to see you picking on that kid or any other kids again!" Jessie yelled to the boys as they began to run out of the alley. She began struggling to get out of Bucky's grip saying nonsense things. He let her go in front of Steve and the kid, holding her shoulders to keep her still.

"Jess. Jessie... Jessica!"

"What!" Jessie looked into Bucky's bright blue eyes. He gave her a smile as he wiped the blood from her lip.

"I think someone would like to thank you." Jessie turned to look at the boy she helped out.

"Thank you, ma'am," he spoke shyly. "That was brave of you." She smiled at him.

"You're welcome, kid," she replied. "And here's some money... and don't refuse to take it. I'm doing this because I'm nice like that." She gave him a small smile as Bucky laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you again, Miss. For the money and helping me out."

"You're very welcome. Next time just stay away from them. If they bother you again, I'll make sure to beat the shit out of them." Jessie gave him a wink as he nodded and smiled, waving as he walked away. Steve looked at Jessie and gave her a small smile.

"You're too nice, Jessie," he quietly remarked. Jessie looked at him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder pulling him close for a hug before releasing him and walking away. Steve looked at Bucky confused before running after the female. They realized she had stopped when she saw the newspapers at the news stand. War in Europe. The two men walked over to their friend reading the newspaper headline. She sighed and shook her head. "Jess?"

Things We Lost - Bucky Barnes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now