6. Building A Team

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When Steve and the rest of the 107th got back to the camp, everyone was waiting at the gate. Jessie had started walking back halfway back to the camp. She noticed that Bucky had gotten a gun before they left. Both of them were walking alongside Steve. When they entered the camp, soldiers stood on the side, clapping. Steve looked to Jessie and Bucky and smiled. Jessie looked to her older friend and patted him on the back, smiling. He returned the smile. They walked more into the camp and saw Colonel Philips and Peggy standing and waiting. Peggy went up to Jessie.

“You were right,” she said. Jessie looked confused. “You would do something for someone you care about.” She looked to Bucky. “Even if it was something crazy.” Jessie smiled.

“Some of these men need medical attention, including Jessie,” Steve spoke to the Colonel after saluting. Peggy looked at him. “I would like to surrender myself for disciplinary action.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Colonel Philips replied.

“Yes, Sir.” Colonel Philips turned to Peggy before walking away.

“Fate, huh?” Peggy walked over to Steve.

“You’re late,” she said. Jessie was being congratulated by soldiers. Hodge walked over to her.

“Sorry for being rude to you during training a year ago, Winter Patriot,” he said. Bucky looked over confused.

“It’s alright, Hodge,” Jessie said. “Next time I tell you to put your foot forward, don’t say something cocky. Got it Corporal?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Hey!” Bucky exclaimed. “Let’s hear it for Captain America!” Everyone began to clap and cheer.

Jessie was hanging out in the medical tent having her forehead taken care of. She noticed a guitar and picked it up, strumming a few cords. A nurse walked over to her and wrapped a bandage around Jessie’s forehead. When she was finished, she walked over to another patient and tended to his wounds. He happened to be James, Jessie’s British comrade. Bucky walked in as Jessie began to play a song, singing making up words and a tune. Jessie noticed Bucky walk over and realized him and James were both interested in listening.

“Lately I've been wondering what's been going on.
I've been here before but I don't remember when.
And every time we get to where we're entering.
I feel my beliefs and hopes surrendering.

But I know I'll be coming home soon.

And yes, I know that I'll be coming home soon.

'Cause like the enemies that we are battling.
I am nothing but a human alien.

Left with nothing else but to keep wandering.

Down this path whilst stopping my hands trembling.

Because I know that I'll be coming home soon.
And yes, I know that I'll be coming home soon with a soldier's eyes.

With a soldier's eyes…
With a soldier's eyes…With a soldier's eyes.

I've seen inside the devil's dreams where young men die.
And graveyards open up their arms for mothers left to cry.
I have seen the bleeding and I hate what we've done.
But just like every other fool I'll keep marching on.

Because I know that I'll be coming home soon.
And yes, I know, that I'll be coming home soon with a soldier's eyes.
With a soldier's eyes…With a soldier's eyes…With a soldier's eyes.”

There was five seconds of silence before clapping could be heard. Jessie looked to see the men who were still conscious clapping. James and Bucky were two of them. A small blush appeared on Jessie’s face as Bucky gave her a smile and pulled her into a hug whispering, “A lovely voice for a lovely person,” into her ear and kissing her on the cheek.

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