8. Broken Frozen Promises

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Colonel Phillips sent out a search team for Bucky, the only results being blood. Jessie had been put into isolation for a month, the only person being able to see her was Howard. When they found the location of the main Hydra base, Steve went to confront Schmidt with the plan of having the 107th and Commando's interfere. Gabe, James and Dum Dum were the three Commando's to break into Schmidt's office before he could shoot Steve. Schmidt escaped the office and Steve began to follow him. Peggy and Colonel Phillips made their way inside with the 107th soldiers and rest of the Commando's, including Jessie. Jessie and the Colonel began to follow Schmidt who was heading to the airbase of the base. A Hydra soldier was running in to attack their group while yelling "Cut off one head, two more shall take it's place!" Jessie shot him, killing him before he could finish the sentence.

"Let's go find two more," she joked, breaking her silent treatment. She left the Colonel's group to find Peggy who had shot a Hydra soldier with a flamethrowing gun. She stood in front of Steve, both close to each other.

"You're late," Steve joked.

"Weren't you about to-" Peggy began asking. Steve realized what she was talking about and nodded before running off to follow Schmidt. He got into the airbase and began to run after a plane which was being piloted by Schmidt. Colonel Philips pulled Schmidt's car up next to Steve. Peggy sitting in the back and Jessie standing in front of her, holding herself up by the seat.

"Get in," Phillips said to Steve. Steve climbed into the passengers seat and they drove off. When they were rearing up on the plane Steve began to stand up in his seat.

"Wait!" Peggy yelled. Steve turned to her as she pulled him down to kiss him. "Go get him." Steve looked to Jessie and Colonel Philips.

"We ain't kissing you," the Colonel said. They got up close to the back of the plane, having to duck because of the propellers. Once outside, Steve jumped onto the wheel of the plane as it was taking off. The Colonel turned the car, trying to make it slow down only to end up turning the car and having it stop after the rear drove off the edge of the runway. Peggy stood up and looked at the plane as it was flying away. Peggy looked to the female Sergeant. Jessie looked at them and stayed silent, then looked at the car, getting out and using her strength to pull it back up onto the runway. They got back into the garage area and waited to hear from Steve.

"Come in, this is Captain Rogers," Steve said through the radio. "Come in."

"Captain Rogers," Jim began saying, "What is your-" Peggy walked over and pushed him out of the way.

"Steve is that you?" She asked. "Are you all right?"

"Great," he replied. "Schmidt's dead."

"Good," Jessie quietly said.

"What about the plane?" Peggy asked.

"That's a little bit tougher to explain," Steve replied.

"Give me your coordinates, I'll find you a safe landing site."

"There's not going to be a safe landing. I'm going to try and force it down."

"I'll get Howard on the line, he'll know what to do."

"There's not enough time. This thing's moving too fast and it's heading for New York... I gotta put her in the water."

"Please, don't do this. We have time, we can work it out."

"Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer, a lot of people are going to die."

"Peggy," Jessie said, walking over to the Agent and placing a hand on her shoulder. "This is his choice."

"Jessie, are you there? I hope you carry on in life.. Fall in love, get married, start a family... I know that's what Bucky would want you to do and it's what I want you to do." Jessie was silent, tears began to form in her eyes. "Peggy..."

"I'm here," Peggy replied.

"I'm going to need a rain check on that dance."

"Alright. A week, next Saturday at the Stork Club."

"You got it."

"Eight o'clock, on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood? You know I still don't know how to dance."

"I'll show you how. Just be there."

"We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hate to step on your-" the radio cut out. Peggy tried to hold in her tears, but couldn't.

"Steve? ...Steve... Steve..." Jessie looked at her friend sadly, walking away thinking about Steve's last words to her.

For the next year, Jessie had been in isolation, no contact to the outside world or people after attacking the Main Hydra base. September 2, 1945. The day the war ended. Jessie was allowed to be let out of isolation. She went to a bar with the Commando's to have a celebratory drink and a toast to Steve. One drink lead to two, and two lead to three. After about four to five drinks, Jessie left the bar going to the S.S.R. base to go back to her room of isolation. A few days later, Howard checked up on the room to see if Jessie really had left.

"What are you still doing here?" he asked in shock when he found his friend sitting on the bed staring at the floor. She didn't look at him.

"That option you told me," she began speaking, "the one that would keep me out of contact of people... is that still possible?" She looked up at him, her eyebrows knit together. Howard gave her a sad look.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Jessie nodded.

"Bucky and Steve want me to have a future, but it's not here. Not without my best friends. I know; if I'm unfrozen years from now, they won't be there, but time will be different. They may find Steve, maybe even Bucky. Hell, I just want to start over. Leave the past behind. But I can't do that if I know two of my friends are gone... Please, Howard. Do this for me." Howard gave a heavy sigh and looked at the floor.

"Alright," he spoke raising his head to look at her. "For you." After a day of traveling back to New York, Howard led Jessie through an S.S.R. office to a lab where a machine was hidden, covered by a blanket. The scientist pulled the blanket off and turned the power to the machine on, pressing a button to open the door. Howard helped Jessie step into the machine.

"What should I tell Peggy, Phillips and the Commando's?" Howard asked.

"The truth," Jessie simply stated, a sad smile on her face. "Tell them the truth and that this was my choice." Howard nodded and returned the smile.

"I hope you find what you're looking for in the future."

"До свидания. Мой друг." Howard pressed a button which closed the doors letting icy air inside of the machine, freezing Jessie and frosting the window almost instantly.

Translation: "Goodbye, my friend."

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