1. Four Years Later

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A year later, Bucky, now 25, and the rest of Jessie’s trainees got their orders and were to be shipped to London the next day leaving them the rest of the day to say goodbye to family and friends. Jessie, now 24, was with Bucky when he got his orders and began to walk around the city with him after. Both wore their uniforms, Jessie’s being brown but with pants instead of a skirt, and Bucky’s being green. Their rank symbols were sewn as prints on the arms of their jacket sleeves. Jessie’s left arm was in a sling due to a recent grenade accident causing the shrapnel to damage her arm, having Howard and Doctor Erskine remove the shrapnel pieces. While walking, the female soldier heard a commotion going on in an alley way. Jessie and Bucky made their way down the alley following the sound to find a fight going on. A tall guy that looked like a bully was beating up a small guy who looked like a kid. She recognized him to be Steve. He seemed to try and defend himself, grabbing a trash can lid, pretending to use it as a shield, only to fail and get punched in the face, falling to the ground. Jessie walked over to the bigger guy, pulling him back. Bucky went to Steve helping him up.

“Hey,” Jessie spoke her voice gaining a mix of a New York and Russian accent as she pulled the guy back, “Pick on someone your own size.” The guy turned to look at her and threw a punch. She backed away slightly and punched the guy in the face, making him spin around from the force. She kicked him and he began to run away.

“You okay?” Bucky asked Steve. Steve nodded. Jessie picked up an enlistment form as she walked back to them.

“You know, sometimes I think you like getting punched,” Jessie said looking at the enlistment form then holding it out to Bucky who took it, and looked at what it said.

“I had him on the ropes,” Steve replied.

“Oh, you’re from Paramus now,” Bucky said.

“You know it’s illegal to lie on your enlistment form,” Jessie said giving Steve a stern look. He looked up at her, then to Bucky.

“You get your orders?” He asked. Bucky sighed.

“107th,” he began saying, “Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping out for England first thing in the morning.”

“I should get going.” There was a silence between the three. Jessie smiled and put her arm around Steve’s shoulders pulling him close to her. Bucky put his arm around Jessie’s shoulders. The three began walking away from the area they were in.

“Come on, man,” the female said. “His last night.” She pulled her arm away. “We gotta get you cleaned up.”

“Why? Where’re we going?” Jessie handed him a newspaper she had in her hand after she threw the enlistment form off to the side.

“The future.” He opened the news paper and looked at the front page. World Exposition of Tomorrow, 1943.

After getting Steve cleaned up and in new clothes, the three went to the World’s Fair at the Stark Expo which would feature Howard Stark and his new invention. There were many bright lights and fireworks. Pinks, reds, blues, greens. There was a sky rail with a train going around. A huge gold globe was in the middle which had kids and people crowded around it in amazement.

“Why’d you settle for Paramus?” Bucky asked as he was walking with his friend and younger sister.

"Don't see what the problem is," Steve said, sulking. Jessie put her hand on his shoulder giving him a kind smile.

"You’re about to be the last eligible man in New York," she said. This time she was actually wearing a skirt to Bucky's request.

"You know there's three and a half million women here," Bucky said.

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