3. Fights and Percentages

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The next day, Peggy, Jessie, and Steve were headed to the procedure. Jessie drove through the streets of New York, a cast on her arm. Peggy and Steve sat in the back of the car. Kids were playing baseball in the street. When they moved out of the way, they waved, and she waved back. Steve began talking about the neighborhood they were in.

“I know this neighborhood,” he began saying. “I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot. And with Jessie behind that diner.”

“Was Bucky there to help you?” Peggy asked.


“Did you two have something against running away?”

“You start running they’ll never let you stop,” Jessie replied. “You stand up, push back. You can’t say no forever.” Jessie looked at Steve in the rear view mirror and smiled a little, looking back to the street.

“I know a little of what that’s like, to have every door shut in your face,” Peggy spoke.

“I guess I don’t know why you two would want to join the army,” Steve said. “You’re beautiful dame’s.” Peggy looked to Steve like he was crazy. Jessie chuckled. “Beautiful… oh a women. I mean… An Agent and Sergeant, not Dame’s. You are beautiful.”

“You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?”

“I think this is the longest conversation I’ve had with a woman, besides Jessie. They’re not exactly lining up to dance with a guy that might step on them.”

“So I’ve heard… You must have danced.”

“Well, asking a woman to dance always seems so terrifying. And the past few years just… didn’t seem to matter that much. Figured I’d wait.”

“For what?”

“The right partner.” Peggy smiled. Jessie pulled the car to the side of the road and parked it, turning off the ignition. The three got out of the car and Jessie walked over towards Steve.

“Where did you learn to drive?” Peggy asked the tall female. She looked at her.

“Fights weren’t the only thing I involved myself in during my free time,” Jessie replied. “Bucky taught me.”

“How old were you when he taught you?”

“I was sixteen, he was seventeen.”

“He really cares about his friends, I guess.” Jessie chuckled and looked to Steve. 

“True. Come on, this way soldier.” She grabbed his hand and followed Peggy into the antique shop.

“You take after Bucky, a lot,” Peggy said to Jessie as they walked into the shop. Steve could see Jessie’s cheeks turn a light shade of red at Peggy’s comment as they walked in. An old woman walked in from the back room.

“Wonderful weather this morning,” she said. “Isn’t it?”

“Yes, but I always carry an umbrella with me,” Peggy answered. The woman walked over to a table as Peggy and Jessie lead Steve to the back room. Empty picture frames hung on the wall. There were also desks, stacks of books, and boxes. The three stood in front of shelves of books on the back wall. The old woman pressed a button under the register counter which made two of the shelves separate and open revealing a secret hallway. They walked down it until they got into a laboratory. Scientist were walking around, but stopped when they saw Peggy and Steve at the rail of the sky walk. Doctor Erskine was among the scientists. Jessie had walked down the stairs and found Howard.

“Ah, Ms. Evans,” Howard said giving her a quick hug. Peggy and Steve walked down the stairs as well.

“Mr. Stark,” the heard Jessie say. The two went over to talk with Erskine. Jessie saw Steve take his hat off. She realized that he was asked to take off his shirt, tie, and hat. She looked to Howard who was working on the power levels for the experiment. She thought back to when she was taken in for the experiment. Bucky was with her at the time. The thought of Bucky being gone made her sad.

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