9. Getting Back in the World

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Almost 70 years had passed. Things changed. Howard and Peggy moved on in their lives, both getting married and having kids. Howard had passed away in a car accident with his wife Maria, and left their son Tony with his work. Tony had finished Project Jarvis for his father and Jessie. Jessie was found by a group called S.H.I.E.L.D. which replaced the S.S.R. They had scientists unfreeze her and have Tony take a look at the cybernetic arm which she had agreed to remove. She was left to be trained by ex-assassins, Natasha Romanoff, and Agent Clint Barton. They trained her in the current fighting styles and even taught her about technology. She quickly became friends with them, along with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s director, Nick Fury, leaving the past behind though it quickly caught up to her. Even though she had made new friends, Jessie missed her old ones. She kept her silent treatment going, only talking on rare occasions. The only thing from her past that made her happy was the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. had found Steve in the Arctic. He was resting in a room that looked like it was from the 40’s. He wore an S.S.R. shirt, tan pants, and brown boots. An old radio was playing a ball game from 1941. Steve began to open his eyes, sitting up on the bed looking around confused.

“There’s a pitch,” the game announcer said. “It’s a ball high outside. So, the dodges tied four to four. At the count no doubt, one swing of his bat. This fella is capable of making it a brand new game again. Just an absolutely gorgeous day here at Ebbets field. Philly’s have managed to tie it up four to four. But the Dodgers have three men on. Pitch, it’s a strike. He leans in, here’s the pitch, swung on, it’s a line drive. It gets past Grissom. Rizzo will score, Reiser heads to third. Durocher is going to wave him in. They look to relay but they hold steady. Pete Reiser with an inside the park-“ the door of the room opened. A woman Steve had never seen before walked in and smiled at him.

“Good morning,” she spoke. “Or should I say afternoon.”

“Where am I?” Steve questioned, his eyebrows furrowed.

“You’re in a recovery room in New York City.”

“The Dodgers take the lead, it’s eight to four,” the game announcer spoke with enthusiasm and excitement. “What a game we have here today, folks. Fine game indeed.”

“Where are am I really?”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“The game. It’s from May, 1941. I know ‘cause I was there. Now I’m going to ask you again. Where am I we?”

“Captain Rogers-“

“Who are you?” Steve got up from the bed and began walking toward the woman. Two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents walked in through the door going to try and keep Steve calm, but ended up being thrown through the wall. He began to run, exiting through the door and finding himself in a hallway with people walking by.

“All agents, code 13,” the agent from before said. Steve began to make his way out of the building, getting into the streets of New York. He reached Times Square only to end up being surrounded by cars. Agents got out of them.

“At ease, Soldier,” a familiar voice spoke. Steve turned around to find Jessie standing behind him with a tall African American man wearing an eye patch and all black. Director Fury.

“Jessie?” Steve asked.

“Look, sorry for that little show back there, but we thought it was best to break it to you slowly,” Fury spoke.

“Break what?”

“You’ve been asleep, Cap,” Jessie replied. “For almost seventy years.” Steve looked as if he were going to be sick.

“You gonna be okay?” Fury asked.

“Yeah, it’s just… I had a date,” Steve replied, sounding out of breath.

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