Chapter One: First Trip to New York!

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A boat trip can make you feel lots of emotions

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A boat trip can make you feel lots of emotions. The excitement of not knowing what you're going to see when you arrive, the anxiety of wondering who you'll meet, what adventures you'll have, and the happiness of knowing who you're traveling with. These were all the emotions I was feeling as I took my first boat trip to New York City in America.

Oh, how rude of me. My name is Emma, Emma Rose Scamander. I'm the child of Newt Scamander and a fellow zoologist-in-training. Well, Newt isn't really my daddy, more like he adopted me so long ago, but I'm afraid that's another story to tell. This is the story of my first real trip to a foreign country with my father.

He decided last minute that it was time for me to travel with him since it was going to be outside of Europe. That, and he was, and still is, very overprotective over me, more than he is with my animal siblings. I call them my animal siblings because my father takes care of them just like he does with me. Expect I'm a human girl and they're animals, but we all get treated with the same love. Daddy and I grew close to all of them, no matter how scary they looked to me.

The reason that we were going to America was to bring one of my siblings, Frank, a thunderbird, back to America in a place called Arizona where he can be free. It was just a simple mission, but he said that we could stay in America for a few days too while we help Frank. He even promised to buy me a famous "hot dog."

It was a few minutes before we would arrive at America and I was sitting beside Daddy, drawing a couple of pictures, which was mainly me and my animal siblings while he sat beside me, admiring the view of the new land. Daddy said that my drawings were amazing, but I thought that I could do better. It wasn't long before I heard a small click and I looked down to see one of the latches open on his briefcase, which contained all of my animal siblings inside. "Daddy, it's opened again." I pointed out to him.

Daddy looked down and gave a small chuckle, closing the latch again. "It must be Dougel, I bet. Probably growing impatient."

I smile and knocked on the case. "Hey Dougel! Calm down in there!" I say.

"Emma, calm down, my dear. He's fine, just impatient." Daddy says calmly, petting my long brown hair.

"Well, I'm impatient too, but you don't see me complaining." I commented, putting my notebooks and colored pencils away back in my rather big backpack before putting it on. My backpack was basically the same as my daddy's briefcase, bigger on the inside and could hold lots of items inside, but I didn't have a whole entire zoo inside of mine.

"And you've done such a good job these few days, my dear. I'm very proud of you for being patient." He praised me, giving me a big smile.

I smile back before remembering his promise. "Does this mean that you'll buy me a hot dog?" I squealed.

Daddy laughed at my question. "I was going to buy you one, anyway!"

"So... I get two hot dogs?!" I asked even more excitedly.

Daddy laughed again and shook his head, kissing my forehead. "Perhaps."

I always loved making daddy laugh. It made me happy to see him happy, since he was normally stressed out raising me and taking care of the creatures. But somehow, I always managed to make him laugh, even when everyone else couldn't.

I looked out to see a big green statue of a lady holding a troche and a book. "Daddy, look!" I gasped, grabbing daddy's hand and pulling him along to the edge of the boat.

"W-woah, Emma! What are you doing?" Daddy asked, grabbing his briefcase.

"Look! It's Statue of Library!" I exclaimed.

Daddy laughed again and picked me up so I could see it better. "You mean the Statue of Liberty. It's America's most famous monument, given to them by-"

"The French as a gift for helping them in their war between the British." I finished with a grin. Even though I was six, I was pretty smart and could read books beyond my supposed "reading range." And before we got on the boat, I read as much as I could about America and its history, including the Wizarding laws and how they differed from Europe.

Daddy chuckled. "The same one." He said as he and I looked at the big city of New York. "Emma Scamander, welcome to New York."

"It's so pretty." I said happily, a smile painting my face. My first adventure in a foreign country and I was already on the edge of my seat.

Eventually, daddy and I arrived at Ellis Island, which was a check in place for Europeans to come into America. I don't know why they wouldn't just drop us off and not check us though. We weren't bad wizards like the ones in the papers.We walked down a ramp from the boat and got in line to be accepted in. I looked up at daddy, seeing him holding our passports and looking rather nervous. For some unknown reason, daddy never liked talking to random people. He normally always talked to me or the creatures, but he was always nervous to talk to other people. But with me, I loved talking to everyone that came across my path and I could find endless things to talk about.

Eventually, it was our turn to be checked in as we walked up to the Muggle officer in the rather blue uniform. Daddy gave him our passports and he looked them over. "First trip to New York for you two?"

"Yes." Daddy replied awkwardly.

"Yes sir!" I said cheerfully.

"Anything edible in there?" The Muggle officer asked, pointing to my backpack and daddy's case. Edible? Well, I did have some candy in there, but he was welcome to have it.

"No." Daddy replied and looked down at me and I shook my head too.

The Muggle officer raised an eyebrow at him. "Livestock?" Why would we have livestock? We just had creatures in there. Americans were confusing. I heard a click again and looked down to see the same latch was opened again. I frowned and leaned down, closing it. But I caught the attention of my daddy and the officer.

"Sorry! My daddy's briefcase does this often." I lied, knowing what to say to the Muggle. Daddy told me to keep our Wizarding stuff secret, especially with what we did with helping the creatures because we could get in serious trouble if being found out.

Daddy laughed awkwardly, following along with what I did. "Y-yes, I must get that fixed. And.. No." He said to the Muggle.

"Let me take a look at them." The Muggle said, referring to daddy's briefcase and my backpack.

Daddy and I looked at each other awkwardly before giving our magical objects to the Muggle officer. Thankfully, before we did, daddy switched his case to "Muggle worthy" and did the same thing to my backpack. The Muggle officer opened up our luggage and looked back up at us. He then gave back our luggage and stamped our passports, to say that we were accepted to go into New York. "Welcome to New York."

"Thank you." Daddy said and quickly took our passports, putting them in his blue coat pocket and grabbing the case before taking my hand.

I grabbed my backpack and took his hand in return. "Bye mister!" I exclaimed and waved to him before leaving the check in station.

When we left, we walked out into the city of New York, breathing in the foreign air before looking at each other in excitement. "Ready for an adventure, my dear?" Daddy asked with a smile.

"You know it, daddy!" I cheered, jumping up and down excitedly.

Daddy laughed at my excitement. "Good, because I am too. Let's get going!"

And with that, we walked down the street of the strange city, where our new adventure had just began. And maybe down the road, I would finally get that hot dog.

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