Chapter Four: "Just a Smidge."

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It turns out that the Muggle Baker was actually a very good cook

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It turns out that the Muggle Baker was actually a very good cook. As we left the MACUSA building with the Muggle's case, and Miss Goldstein was coming along with us, I had decided to sample all the different pastries in the case. Surprisingly, this Muggle could actually cook!

We walked down another busy street and I was eating the my sixth pastry while daddy held me in his arms as he and Miss Goldstein walked down the street. "Can I have another one, please?" I asked, finishing the pastry.

"No, my dear, you've had enough of those pastries." Daddy told me, wiping my sugary face with his coat sleeve.

"Aww, okay. They were good though." I whined, hugging daddy tightly.

"I'm sure they were." Daddy replied with a chuckle.

"I still can't believe you didn't Obliviate that man!" Miss Goldstein finally spoke up, "If there's an inquiry, I'm finished!"

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"Because we're not supposed to go near the Second Salemers!" Miss Goldstein replied, looking as though she was on the edge of having a panic attack.

The three of us then saw daddy's Billywig fly over our heads and we looked up to see it flying off. Daddy and I looked worriedly at each other. "What was that?" Miss Goldstein asked.

"Umm.. Moth, I think. Big moth." Daddy replied, lying again.

The three of us then turned the corner to see a bunch of people crowded in front of a tall building. Some people were even leaving the building in a rather rushed and scared state. We overheard many people arguing with a police officer. "Im sorry, ma'am, but there ain't no smell of gas!" The police officer said to a worried mother.

"But it wasn't gas, officer! I seen it! It was a gigantic, huge, hippo-" The homeless man for cut off by daddy secretly casting a spell on him, erasing his mind of the thing that he saw. ".... Gas!"

That only made the crowd go even more crazier. While Miss Goldstein was distracted by the building and all the commotion, Daddy took my hand and quickly ran us inside the ruined building. "Do you think the Muggle is in there, daddy?"

"He has to be, my dear! If that man saw a "hippo," then he must be referring to the Graphorn, which means she escaped!" Daddy explained as the two of us quickly ran up the stairs, "Let's hope she's the only one that got out."

The two of us arrived checked every room that we could before finding the Muggle's room, which was completely destroyed. There was broken glass, ruined furniture, and there was even a massive hole in the wall. "That would be the Graphorn." I commented before hearing a low groaning.

We turned our heads to see the Muggle laying in the corner passed out. Daddy and I ran over to see and check him out, only to see small red bites on them. "Those look like Murtlap bites, daddy." I said worriedly.

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