Chapter Thirteen: Heartbreaking Goodbyes

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"Daddy.... He's gone... We couldn't save him." I sobbed in daddy's chest. I still couldn't believe it. They killed Credence because they were scared of him simply because he couldn't control his powers. Why couldn't they have given him a chance?

"I know, I'm sorry we couldn't, my dear." Daddy whispered comfortingly to me.

"You fools! Do you realize what you've done?" We heard Mr. Graves yell at the MACUSA team. I looked up and saw Mr. Graves standing on top of the platform, glaring at everyone while Tina was right next to daddy and I. We all looked at Mr. Graves in shock and got on our feet.

"That Obscurial was killed by my orders, Mr. Graves." I heard the voice of President Picquery. Of course she ordered them to kill Credence. My hatred grew for her in the pit of my heart.

"Yes. And history will surely note that, Madam President." He replied, his tone now serious and very threatening, "What was done here tonight was not right!"

"He was responsible for the death of a No-Maj. He risked the exposure of our community. He has broken one of our most sacred laws-"

Mr. Graves caught her off by laughing. "A law that has us scuttling like rats in the gutter! A law that demands that we conceal our true nature! A law that directs those under its dominion to cower in fear lest we risk discovery! I ask you, Madam President," He then looked back at daddy, Tina, and I, "I ask all of you, who does this law protect? Us?" He then pointed to the Muggles that were above us, "Or them. I refuse to bow down any longer."

I was shocked to hear him say all of this. I thought he was loyal to MACUSA and to President Picquery, but why was he saying this now? Was Credence's death finally open his eyes? As he began to walk away, President Picquery looked back at her team and said, "Aurors, I'd like you to relieve Mr. Graves of his wand and escort him back to-"

Before she could finish her sentence and before Mr. Graves could walk further away, a large wall of white light suddenly appeared and blocked his path. He then turned around and fired spells at the groups of Aurors, but they fired back. However, Mr. Graves had been winning. How was he so good at blocking spells, especially when he was facing a large group of Aurors?

"I've got this." Daddy then pulled out Swooping Evil and released it at Mr. Graves, which then soared over him and shielded all of us from Mr. Graves's spells. That gave daddy enough time to get his wand and slashed it through the hair, which came out a crackling rope of light that wrapped itself around Mr. Graves. He tried fighting back, but it was too strong for him as he fell to his knees and dropped his wand.

"Accio!" Tina yelled as she got out her wand, which caused Mr. Graves wand to fly into her hand.

Mr. Graves grunted against the rope as daddy raised his wand, whispering: "Revelio."

Like a shapeshifter, Mr. Graves started to transform into another person. His hair hanged from black to blond and his face changed into a man that's been known all over the Wizarding world. A man who's fanatics were the reason for the death of my parents death. It was Grindelwald.

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