Chapter Three: MACUSA and.. Sweets?

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The three of us apparated to a few blocks away from the bank before the stranger gently pushed us both behind the wall

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The three of us apparated to a few blocks away from the bank before the stranger gently pushed us both behind the wall. I looked up at the stranger and saw that it was the hot dog woman from the group who were watching the "Witch Haters." She looked like she was both worried and mad. "Who are you two?!"

"I'm sorry?" Daddy asked, holding tightly onto his case and my hand.

"Who are you two?!" The woman repeated.

"Newt Scamander. And this is my daughter, Emma." He replied, looking down at me.

"Hello!" I waved to her.

"And you are?"

"What's that thing in your case?" The woman asked, dodging the question.

"That's my Niffler." Daddy replied before seeing a small bit of mustard on her lip, "Oh, you've got something on your-" He tried to wipe the mustard off her lip, but she moved back awkwardly.

"Why in the name of Deliverance Dane did you let that thing loose?"

"We didn't let him loose, miss. He just sees anything that's pretty and he wants to grab it. He's greedy, he can't help it." I explained.

"Well, you two still couldn't have chosen a worse time to let that thing loose. We're in the middle of a situation!" Daddy and I looked at each other in confusion; What situation? There wasn't any danger right now, expect for that muggle getting away. "I'm sorry, I have to take you both in."

"Take us where?" Daddy asked.

The woman then pulled out her ID card. "Magical Congress of the United States of America."

"So you work for MACUSA?" Daddy asked nervously.

I gasped; MACUSA was America's version of the Ministry of Magic, but with a lot more rules and not as fun. "Are you like an investigator? That's so cool!"

"Umm.. Yeah, kinda." The woman replied hesitantly before putting the card back into her coat pocket. "At least tell me you took care of the No-Maj?"

"The what?" Daddy and I asked at the same time, which is normal for us to do. But what the heck was a No-Maj?"

"The No-Maj! No magic, the non-wizard!" The woman explained in an irritated tone.

"Oh, sorry, we call them muggles." Daddy said with a laugh.

"You wiped his memory, right? The No-Maj with the case?" She asked.

"No he didn't! He hit Daddy in the head with his case and then ran off. He was a jerk." I replied with a small pout.

Daddy stared up at the woman awkwardly with a small smile. "That's basically what happened.

"I'm afraid that's a section 3A, Mr. Scamander. I'm afraid I have to take you and your daughter in." She explained.

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