Chapter Fourteen: The Start of a New Story

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The next day finally arrived

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The next day finally arrived. It was the day that daddy and I would be leaving New York in order to go back home to England. I didn't want to leave New York because I would miss Tina and Queenie so much, but I knew that we had to go back home eventually. Plus, it seemed like if we stayed any longer, than President Picquery wouldn't be as "nice" as she was these past few days.

We were walking onto the harbor with Tina, where our ship was waiting for us as I saw many people walking onto the ship chatting away about their adventures. We had also just returned from giving Jacob some Occamy eggs to start up his bakery. I was the one who came up with the idea though. I feel like since he forgot about our adventure together, he deserved to be happy with his bakery.

Daddy wore his same clothes that he wore these past few days, but now has a Hufflepuff scarf around his neck and carried his case closely. I wore a long sleeved dark blue dress with a white bow on the collar with white flats and my white coat while I carried my backpack on my back and held Harry close to my chest.

We had all stopped at the boarding gate as daddy carried me in his arms tightly before turning to Tina. "Are you sure you can't come with us, Tina?" I asked.

"If I could, I would love to. But I have to stay here in New York with Queenie." She replied. Queenie was still very upset about losing Jacob just because they were part of two different worlds. That kind of thing would never happen in Europe. "Listen, Newt, Emma, I want to thank you both."

"What on earth for?" Daddy asked.

"What did we do?" I also asked.

"Well, you know, if you both hadn't said all those nice things to Madam Picquery about me, I wouldn't be back on the investigative team now." She replied.

"Well, you deserve it, Tina. After all you've done to help us." I replied with a smile.

"Besides, I can't think of anyone that I'd rather have investigating me or protecting my child." Daddy said with a light yet awkward laugh.

Tina laughed a small bit. "Well, try not to need investigating for a bit. I mean that for the both of us."

"I can't promise anything!" I admitted with a giggle.

Daddy chuckled. "I'll keep a close eye on her, but we will. Quiet life for the both of us from now on. Back to the Ministry, deliver the manuscripts."

"And my drawings!"

"And you're drawings, of course, my dear."

"I'll look for it. 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' by Newt and Emma Scamander." Tina said happily. Hey, that actually wasn't a bad title for our book. "Does Leta Lestrange like to read?"

How did she know about Leta Lestrange? Maybe Queenie told her? "Who?" Daddy asked, pretending he didn't know.

"The girl in the picture you carry around, daddy." I explained before realizing what I had done.

"How do you know about Leta, my dear?" Daddy asked in confusion.

"I overheard you and Queenie talking about her. She sounds like she wasn't that nice to you, daddy."

Daddy gave a small sigh and nodded his head. "Yes, well, she was nice but then she wasn't. But I don't know what Leta likes these days because people change."

"Yes." Was all Tina could say.

"I've changed. I think. Maybe a little." Daddy replied.

"I know I've certainly changed. Maybe for the better." I said with a small shrug.

I saw Tina smile, but I also saw that she was trying her best not to cry. I didn't even know that she could even cry. Maybe she had changed too. We all jumped a little at the sound of the ship's siren being blasted as it was just the three of us now. "Well. I'll send you a copy of our book, if I may." Daddy offered.

"We'll even sign it for you!" I exclaimed.

"I'd like that." Tina said happily. I looked and saw Daddy reaching over and touching her hair as the two stared at each other rather closely. I felt a little awkward, but I couldn't help but smile. Maybe daddy was finally finding love with Tina? Maybe Tina could one day be my mommy? It was only a matter of time and patience.

We then walked away from her and started to walk up the ramp of the ship before daddy came running back to her. "I'm so sorry, how would you feel if Emma and I have you your copy in person?"

I gasped in surprise. Would we be coming back to New York just to see Tina? I liked that idea. "I'd like that. Very much." She replied with a large smile on her face.

Daddy and I both smiled before we both returned back to the ramp. But then I got an idea. "Daddy, put me down. I wanna give Tina something!"

"Oh? Okay, my dear. Hurry back." Daddy then put me down on the ramp before I took off running down to her. I then gave her a rather big hug, squeezing her tightly.

I felt her stand still for a moment before she hugged me back. "I hope to see you soon... Mommy." I looked up to see her shocked face before giggling and running off back to daddy, taking his hand, "Okay, I'm ready now."

Daddy smiled down to me before we boarded our ship back to England without looking back for even a second. A few minutes passed and the ship finally took off away from the New York harbor. Daddy and I were on the ship dock, overlooking the view of the city where our adventure had ended only a few hours ago. I would never forget this wonderful adventure that had changed mine and my daddy's life for good and for bad.

"Daddy, do you think this is the end of our adventures?" I asked him.

"I don't believe so, sweetie. Even though this part of our story has ended, I think we're just beginning a new story now." Daddy told me, "For no story ever really ends. It keeps going on, even though it's the final page."

I smiled as daddy picked me up, kissing my forehead gently as I laid my head on his shoulders. Even though our story in New York had ended, our new story in another country has just began. For when one story ends, another one takes its place and continues on.

For my name is Emma Rose Scamander. I am six years old, the adopted daughter of Newt Scamander, a fellow magi-zoologist in training, and my magical adventure with my daddy, Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, and Credence Barebone had just began.

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