Chapter Eight: The History of Emma Scamander

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The three of us eventually arrived at Central Park, where we were running down a fridge

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The three of us eventually arrived at Central Park, where we were running down a fridge. We had to move out of the way to let an ostrich through, who seemed like t was running for its life. Suddenly, we heard a low rumble in the distance before daddy got out some protective gear from his pockets and handed it to Mr. Kowalski. "Put this on."

"Wait, why would I need to wear something like this?" Mr. Kowalski asked.

"Because your skull is susceptible to breakage under immense force." Daddy explained. Wait, just what was he planning?

We all eventually ran to the Central Park Zoo. I had never been to a zoo before, but I heard things about them. Just seeing all the animals in habitats made for them made me both happy and a small bit sad because they weren't where they really belonged.

Anyway, the zoo was now half empty because some of the animals had escaped and the outer walls had been torn down. We all had to carefully walk over the piles of rubble that laid at the entrance. Daddy then handed Mr. Kowalski a small body protector and helped him put it on. "Now, there's absolutely nothing to worry about."

"Tell me, had anyone ever believed you when you told them not to worry?" Mr. Kowalski asked.

"Our family philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice." I explained before we continued on. All of us eventually spotted the Erumpent, which was a large, rotund, rhino-like creature with a massive horn on its forehead. She was nuzzling against a terrified hippo.

"She's in season. She needs to mate." Daddy said before getting out a small vial of liquid and put a small dab of it on each of his wrists before handing the open bottle to Mr. Kowalski.

Wait, was he? Oh god, oh no. "Daddy, you're not gonna do the dance, are you?"

"I'm afraid I have no choice, my dear." Daddy said shamefully before he walked a few feet away from up over to the Erumpent.

"Wait, what's he gonna do?" Mr. Kowalski asked.

"He's gonna do the Mating Dance." I replied with a small groan, covering my eyes but peaked a little. Daddy then began to do the embarrassing dance to the Erumpent, which caught her attention. I couldn't help but laugh at this embarrassing moment and Mr. Kowalski joined me in the laugher. "Gosh, I wish I had a camera right now." I commented as daddy then rolled on the floor, which the Erumpent then copied and moved closer to the case.

Then I heard something hit us before looking up and seeing that Mr. Kowalski had spilled the musk all over himself. I look over to see that a seal had thrown the fish at us then looked back at Mr. Kowalski. Oh, this wasn't good. All of a sudden, Mr. Kowalski began to run away from the Erumpent as she followed behind him while Mr. Kowalski screamed at the top of his lungs. Thankfully, I moved out of the way and back to daddy, who hugged me a small bit.

"Daddy, do something!" I yelled.

Daddy then pulled out his wand and began to cast a spell. But before he could, his wand was taken by a baboon, who then ran off in laughter. "Are you kidding me?! Come back here!" I yelled and ran after the baboon, picking up a stick on the way there.

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