Chapter Two: Niffler in the Bank

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Turns out that the hot dog was first before the adventure

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Turns out that the hot dog was first before the adventure. Daddy decided that we would walk around and explore for a little while before finding a hotel for us to stay the night at. As we explored all the different stores and places in New York, daddy decided that it was time for me to try a hot dog!

After I got my hot dog, with lots of ketchup and mustard, we kept walking because daddy and I don't like staying in one place for too long. I stopped paying attention all the sights while I ate because the hot dog was too delicious!

"Enjoying the hot dog, my dear?" Daddy asked, seeing how I dug into it.

"Yes daddy!" I replied, smiling up at him as my face was covered in ketchup and mustard stains.

Daddy chucked and stopped us, leaning down to me and cleaning my face with a handkerchief from his coat. "You're so messy, you know that?"

I giggle and shrug. "I can't help it. It tasted so good!" I commented, "Hey, how come you didn't get a hot dog, daddy?"

"My dear, you know I don't eat meat. Besides, I'm not hungry at the moment." He commented, finishing up cleaning my face and putting the handkerchief back in his coat. Daddy was something called a "vegetarian" where he didn't eat meat, but he said that I could eat it if I wanted to. Which was good for me because I loved eating meat!

"This great city sparkles with the jewels of man's invention!" We heard a woman's voice yell. We looked over and saw a woman on the steps of the New York City bank and had a ton of people with her, passing out paper to the people watching her. She also had a large red and yellow sign that looked like someone was snapping a wand in half.

"What's going on over there, daddy?" I asked, pointing to the scene.

"I don't know. Let's have a look and see, shall we?" He asked and stood up back, holding my hand as we both walked to the crowd. The main thing I noticed about Americans in New York was that they all wore such dark colors and I honestly wondered why that was ever since I got here. Daddy and I stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd because we wore bright colors. Daddy wore a white shirt, a yellowish orange vest, a blue bow tie, grey pants, a grey suit jacket, his favorite blue coat, and brown boots. While I wore a long sleeved light blue dress with white lace on the collar, white flats, and a long white coat.

Anyway, we wanted to make it to the front of the line to hear what was going on, so we passed a few people. Daddy accidentally bumped into one lady who was eating a hot dog, but with a lot of mustard. "Excuse me." Daddy apologized as we continued on, but the lady didn't say anything.

We eventually made it to the front of the crowd where the woman, who wore all purple, continued to speak. "But where there is light, there is shadow, friends! Something is stalking our fair city; Reeking destruction and then disappearing without a trace!" I was so confused the whole time. Just what was this lady talking about?

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