Chapter Twelve: The Battle

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As I ran through the streets of New York, the chaos continued

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As I ran through the streets of New York, the chaos continued. Buildings were on fire, people were running and screaming through the streets, and cars were laying on the street destroyed. Whoever this Obscurus was, it must've been very angry.

"EMMA!" I heard someone yell to me before I was grabbed and pulled behind a fallen car. I looked up to see it was my daddy. To my surprised, he look both scared and angry that I was here. "Emma, what do you think you're doing here?! I told you to stay with Queenie!"

"No way, daddy! I am not leaving you alone to face this Obscurus! It's too dangerous and I'm going to help you." I argued.

"No buts, you are going-"

"Newt!" We turned our heads to see Tina running towards us, shocked to see me here. "Emma?"

"Hi." I waved to her shyly.

"She was just leaving. The Obscurial, it's the Second Salem boy." Daddy told her. Second Salem boy? Wait, he couldn't mean that one boy who wore all black that gave me a pamphlet at the bank? But he couldn't be!

"But he's not a child." Tina said.

"I know, but I saw him. His power must be so strong he's somehow managed to survive." Daddy replied as they all looked to where the Second Salem boy was. We all heard him scream as he destroyed more buildings. I didn't even know that Obscurus' could scream..

"We have to save him!" I got up and ran away from daddy and Tina, running towards the Second Salem boy. He was going to be killed if someone didn't do something.

"EMMA!" I heard daddy and Tina yell towards me, but I ignored them. I had to save that boy from MACUSA. From himself.

As I continued running to where the Obscurus was flying off, I passed by Mr. Graves who was also chasing after him. But I didn't have time to kick him in his special place right now, even though I really wanted to. "Hey! I need to talk to you!" I yelled up to the Obscurus boy, but he continued to ignore me.

It wasn't long before I saw a bunch of MACUSA people shoot spells from their wands. This is what I feared! They were going to kill him! Thankfully, the Obscurus boy tried to avoid the spells, leaving black snowflakes everywhere, before continuing his destruction on the town.

He then rose into the air, spells from more MACUSA people hitting him before crashing into the ground and destroying whatever was in his path. I fell to the ground hard before I got back up, unaware of the large scrape on my knee, before I continued running after the Obscurus boy.

To my surprise, he finally flew down to the City Hall subway entrance. I saw a bunch of Muggle policemen that were laying on the ground, which was perfect for me. I instantly ran past them and quickly ran down the stairs into the subway station.

The subway station was a long tunnel that had a bunch of damaged signs. I saw the chandelier above me that had a few cracks on it and a couple of tiles that fell. I kept quiet before I came to the epicenter, see the large black mass that was slowly sliding down the ceiling. This was the Second Salemer boy.

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