Chapter Ten: Escape from MACUSA

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I eventually came up with a plan

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I eventually came up with a plan. It took awhile for me to think of something that could convince the guards outside to let me out, but I finally thought of something. I got up from my bed and walked to the door then knocked on it gently. "Excuse me! I need to go to the bathroom!" After a moment of silence, I still didn't hear anything. "Hello! I need to go to the bathroom, badly!" I yelled.

"Are you serious? Or are you just tricking me, kid?" I heard a voice ask. Oh, so it was only one guard that was guarding me? This was gonna be easy.

"I'm being serious, sir. I would never joke about using the restroom." I replied.

"Forget it, kid. You're not tricking me."

I huffed a small bit before remembering a trick that I had seen a little girl do in England. She had pretend to cry into her hands until her mother finally let her have an ice cream cone. I had never bothered to try that with daddy, but I supposed now was a good time to test my theory and see if it worked for all kids. I took a deep breath and pretend to sob like a baby, stomping the floor. "Please, sir! You have to let me out! I need to go very badly!" I yelled, trying my best to let him out.

It took a few seconds of me pretending to cry and scream before I heard the locks start to unlock. "Alright, alright, calm down." I heard the guard mumble angrily.

The door then opened as I saw an older man who roughly grabbed my wrist and started to gently drag me out of my cell. "Come on, kid. Let's get you to the bathroom."

I sniffed and looked down at the ground. "Thank you, sir. But do you wanna know something?"

"Now what?" He asked in an annoyed voice.

I looked up at him for him to see my dried face and my evil grin. "I never had to use the bathroom at all." And with that, I kicked him in his very special place. He gasped and let go of my hand, falling to the ground and groaning in agony. I laughed at his agony and then ran off as fast as I could.

Little did I know that an alarm bell was sounding off. I guess that the other guards knew I had gotten out. But now wasn't the time; I had to find daddy, Miss Goldstein, Jacob, and my animal siblings. But the question was: Where the heck was I?!

"There she is!" I heard a guard yell before turning my head and seeing two guards running towards me with their wands in their hands.

I gasped and started to run as fast as I could. Great, not only did I not know where I was, but now I had to run away from these guys! What a coincidence. The guards kept firing spells at me, but thankfully I dodged them all before another guard came out of nowhere and grabbed my arm tightly. "Hey, let go of me!"

"End of the line, kid! There's nowhere for you to go!" The guard who held me back growled.


I looked up and found daddy and Miss Goldstein standing behind me. They were okay! They were out of their cells! "Daddy!" I exclaimed happily, thrashing harder against the guard that held me back.  The two guards had both casted spells to daddy, but he was too quick and sent them back, causing them to fall to the ground. The guard started to run off while still grabbing my arm, dragging me along.

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