The Mighty Fall In Love

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Patrick's POV


That was the only thing going through my mind when I saw her. Every touch was electric. When she left all my thoughts were focused around her.

That was unlike anything that I had ever felt before. Even when I thought I was in love with my wife, now ex wife.

I don't think I will ever get used to saying that. I sighed. The feeling Alexandria made feel was different. It was good different though. I smiled to myself. I wouldn't say I'm in love, but I will say I've started falling. Even if I'm falling to fast.

Alex's POV

-Three days later-

I'm walking into Starbucks for my daily cup of coffee. I'm not addicted I promise. Haha just kidding. The People who work there know me by name. So as soon as I walk in I hear

"Hey Alex! you want the usual today or are you feeling a bit adventurous?" Zac says winking at me.

I walk up to the the counter before answering.

"I guess I'm feeling a bit adventurous today. Surprise me." I say and I walk to the pick up counter after paying for my coffee. Three minutes later I'm greeted with a nice, steaming cup of coffee. I taste it and it's a vanilla bean latte. I smile at Zac

"Thanks for the coffee" I say

"Anytime" he says

I turn and leave Starbucks and start walking around looking for a good place to go and enjoy my coffee. I settle for the park bench. I sit down and get out my phone. I look at my lock screen for a sec before unlocking my phone. Its the picture I took with Patrick. I smile and I start to scroll down my twitter timeline. Nothing all that interesting. Just the usual. I keep scrolling though. I reply to some tweets and favorite others. I just start to get a good conversation going when I finished off the rest of my coffee.

"Oh darn, now I have to get up." I say to myself.

I get up and throw away my empty coffee cup. I pull out my headphones and start listening to my music. I hit the shuffle button and the first song that comes on is Destroya by My Chemical Romance. 'Today is gonna be a good day' I thought and that's when the fates laughed and said "Lol, nope." because right when I thought that I run into someone who had a steaming cup of coffee in their hands. The top had popped off and hot coffee scolded my arms and part of my legs.

"Holy Smokes, I'm so sorry." He says as he starts to wipe the coffee off of me with his sleeve.

My heart skips a beat. There is only one person I know who 'Holy Smokes'. I look up and find myself lost in his blue green eyes.

Patrick's POV

I was looking down at my phone when I bumped into someone, spilling my coffee all over them.

"Holy smokes, I'm so sorry." I said and I start wiping the coffee off of them with my sleeve because I had no napkins. I look up to apologize again but then I'm left speechless. The last time I saw her was three days ago. Today she looked completely different, but I still knew it was her. She was wearing black combat boots, black skinny jeans with a hole in one of the knees, a black tank top that showed off the tattoo on her left arm, she wore glasses today and no fedora. Her brown curly hair fell down past her shoulders. She looked absolutely stunning. We locked eyes for a moment then I spoke.

"Alex?" I asked. I knew it was her, but just to make sure I wasn't dreaming...

"Kinda surprised you remembered my name." she said with a smile. The smile took my breath away. I almost forgot to reply.

"You're kinda hard to forget." I say

She laughs nervously

"Yeah, it is pretty hard to forget someone who made such and awkward first impression."

"Oh no, that's not what I meant, I mean like you seemed really nice and stuff." And the fact that time seemed to stand still when I first saw you, but I didn't say that last part.

'Real smooth, Patrick.' I thought to myself

"Oh, uh, well thanks I guess." she said

"I should probably let you get going," I said " I don't want to keep you from anything."

"Oh it's okay, I, uh , I'm not really doing anything today, but you seem like your in a hurry so I should probably let you get back to what you were doing." she said and she starts to walk away.

"Actually," I say and she turns around "I'm not doing anything today, sooo... if you want to, we could hang out or something."

(A/N I can feel the awkwardness emanating from the page)

She smiles " yeah that sounds great, but I should probably go home first and change seeing as how I have coffee all over me."

"Okay, and I'm sorry about the coffee. I wasn't looking where I was going." I say as we start to walk to her house.

"It's okay," she says with a smile " I wasn't either. Sorry I made you spill your coffee."

"It's fine." I say

After all that awkwardness was over we had a really nice conversation.

We had finally arrived at her house.

Alex's POV

I open the door to my house and invite him in.

"It's a good thing no ones home. My family would be a little shocked to see you" I say

He chuckles " why?"

"Well, um.... let's just say they can't let go of the stereotype of a rockstar."

"Oh, so they think I'm all about drugs and women."

"Pretty much," I say. "so there's the couch make yourself comfy while I go get changed. I'll be back in a second."

I walk down the hallway to my room. I close the door behind me and start freaking out. I smile and internally fangirl. I couldn't help it. Patrick Stump was sitting in my living room.

After I calm down a bit, I get undressed and try to find something to wear. I finally find my navy blue skinny jeans. Now all I have to do is find a shirt. I look through all my drawers and my closet and I can't find anything. I feel so self conscious of what I'm going to wear.

I finally find another black tank top and put it on. Then I head to the living room. I see Patrick lounging on my couch on his phone. Probably twitter or something. When I enter the room he looks up and his face lights up. I can't help but to smile a little bit.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask


So we head back outside I check my bag to make sure I have everything before locking the door.

"Where to?" he asks

"I don't know, surprise me." I say with a smile.

"Okay," he says and takes my hand and leads me to where ever it is we are going.

Iris - A Patrick Stump FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now