We're Falling Apart To Half Time

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Alex's POV

When we got back to the house I had moved immediately to the kitchen. I needed something to drink to wash the taste awful hospital food away. Patrick had slowly made his way to the kitchen. He was watching me carefully. He looked worried and scared and I didn't know how to comfort him.

After I had finished, I washed the cup and put it in the drying rack by the sink. I turn to Patrick and his expression hasn't changed. I walked up to him and started to say something, but he had cut me off.

"Alex, stop. It's fine. You don't have to apologize. I'm just glad you're okay now"

He looked like he was about to start crying again. When I did it I didn't think I would have caused my friends so much pain. I just wanted the memories and horrific images to go away. I felt like I was gonna start crying. How could I do this to him? How could I put someone through so much pain?

I had broke out in tears. I didn't realize... how could I have been so stupid. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him. He does the same. He lays his head on my shoulder and I bury my face in his and we just sit there crying on each other. The longer we sat there, the tighter his hug got. Like he was afraid if he let me go I would disappear.

I don't know how long we sat there, but eventually we had stopped crying. We had eventually moved from standing to sitting on the kitchen floor. He held me while I held him.

We were like two playing cards leaning on each other for support. We were on a weak foundation. One small movement might send us falling back to where we started.

Patrick was the first to break the silence.

"We should probably get off this hard floor." he said and with that he stood and offered me his hand. I accepted it and he pulled me up. We moved over to the couch and sat down in silence. Everything was quiet and I didn't like quiet. I looked at the time. It was almost 6 o'clock.

We need something to take our minds off of this depression subject. What should I suggest? A movie? A game? None of these even seem right to suggest.

Then I think back to when I got kicked out. I was upset and Patrick had cheered me up. We cooked and danced and that was the first night....

I sighed. It's never gonna happen again. He's with Pete now.

Then the flashback starts again. We cooked. We made a meal together. That's how he took my mind off what had happened, and it worked. Maybe instead of it just working on me, it'll work on him too.  It was worth a shot.

I look over at him to find that he was staring at me.

"What?" I ask "have I got something on my face?"

His lip curls up into a small half smile and then fades back to a frown. "No, you don't have anything on your face. I was just thinking is all." Then he looks away. His eyes full of pain and sadness. I wish I could take the pain away.

"You hungry?" I ask knowing that he'll probably say no, but it's worth a shot.

"Yeah, kinda. Why?"

I get up off the couch and grab his hands and pull him up too.

"Help me make something?"

He nods yes and follows me into the kitchen.

"Anything specific you wanted?"

He thinks for a moment.


I set a small smile on my face. "Then spaghetti it is."

I walk towards the fridge and pull out the ground beef, then I get a pan to cook it in.

Patrick turns on his music. His "happy tunes" playlist. I smile a little.

He pulls out the noodles and puts them in a pot full of water to boil and starts on the sauce. The smell of garlic and fresh tomatoes fill the air.

I look over at him and notice he's doing the dancing thing he does when he cooks. He notices me staring and smirks.

"What's so funny?" He asks

"Nothing." I look back to the pan of meat and began to season it.

"Really, what is it? What's so funny?" His tone is playful.

I shake my head. "It's nothing, really. Just a small thing that I noticed."

"And what's that?" He looks over at me. with the same smirk on his face.

I cave "it's just the the way you cook. It's very rhythmic. It's like you're dancing, but not actually dancing. I don't know. It's kinda hard to explain." I say turning away at the last part.

"Oh," he puts down the knife. For a second I thought I had said something wrong. He wipes his hands on the towel by the stove. "You mean like this?" And he starts dancing like Dan from the spooky baking video. I almost fell over. I had started laughing so hard I started crying.

"No, no Patrick you're doing it wrong." so I do my best to imitate the Dan Dance and that has Patrick in a fit of giggles. I swear I could listen to him giggle all day

(A/N constantly replays him giggling in Young Volcanoes)

After that dancing fiasco we finished the spaghetti with a lighter atmosphere. Maybe things were going to get better. Maybe, they could. This little thing gave me hope.

Patricks POV

After dinner we cleaned up the house. Seeing as some parts of it were still a bit messy. There didn't seem to be so much tension between us anymore. I liked that. I know things aren't going to be like they used to be, but things don't have to stay bad. It could get better. We're all a little broken, and that's okay.

After the house was cleaned we got cleaned up and afterwards watched a movie. It turned out to be an okay night considering how the day had started. today really has been a long day.

After the movie we retire to our separate bedrooms. I will have to check on her later. Just to make sure that she'll be okay.

I call Pete to see how he was doing. He was doing okay, but he seemed really worried about me. I assured him I was okay, but he still seemed a little weary, but none the less, he eventually let it go and said "okay, just making sure."

"So are you busy tomorrow?" He asks

"Not particularly, no, but I do have to watch Alex."

"Do you think someone else could keep an eye on her? Like Phil?"

"I don't know, why?"

"There's something I want to show you tomorrow."

"What is is?"

"I can't tell you that." He says. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." he yawns

"Goodnight Pete."

"Night Trick."

Then he hangs up. I lay down in my bed wondering what was gonna happen tomorrow.

Author's Note

WARNING! This fic is ending soon!
Just thought you should know. So be prepared.

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