Chapter 1 : Friends, Pains and Promises part 1

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Foxy's POV :

I was in my cove shivering in pain as i was beaten by Freddy just a few moment ago ( i'm not even bother going throught the details), i can feel my face and body starting to swell from the bruises, i heavily cough. i let my  arm give out under me as my body collapse on the cold yet warm floor. My body aches in pain, today's beating only added to yesterday's, i close my as i drift to sleep. i softly groan as i begin to stir awake, my body in so much pain that i decide not to move even a slightest. I notice my cheecks was stained by a cold liquid, I guest i manage to cry in the real world as i dream about a happier time. I notice my body is almost stain in blood as i try to sit up. I barely got up and slowly walk into my bathroom which is connected to my hidden room in the pirate cove. i grab a deep color towel for when i dry up, i begin to undress. I opened the curtain which make a screeching noise when i pull it in, i step in and close again . I turn on the water and adjust the temperter to what i deem the perfect feel for my sore, stained body. 

Once i was finished,   I dried myseff and wraped my cuts in gauze from the medicince cabinet. Next, i dress up in a classic red pirate outfit to cover the one that could be see on my limbs. I feel and my stomach start to growl. I groan a bit from that as i realise that this going to be the 4th week of not eating. Freddy's going to stave me. What had i done to deserve this? Freddy is suppose to guide me and help when i need him! He promised to me that he'll always there to protect me and he broke that promise

* Flashback *

( The first time Foxy had ever met Freddy since he was shipped to the pizzria ) 

"Come out little fox. We're not going to hurt you." said Freddy

"I'm scared what if they're mean to me? " Foxy replied, shivering a little bit

"Don't worry! I promise to always be there to protect you." Freddy said

" Thank ye, lad !" Foxy replied , smiling at Freddy

* End of Flashback*

 My ears flicks to the sound of shifting curtain. My eyes widen , i feel my breaths going faster and my thought going through my  head like crazy. "It's alright foxy, it's just me" I calm down as a  gentle , familiar voice ring through my ears. My eyes widen as i look to see who is it , i was met by white persian ears along with white with red highlight bangs, the rest of the hair tied back by a ponny tail. The pale skin of the softly smile with a gentle black eyes staring at me. i smile at the child standing before me "Oi! Thank da heavens it just be ye , Flare." i say as i hug her. "Of course it was me you Dummy." She said as she broke the hug then she come and sit down next to me.

"How are you doing ?" She asks me 

"I be doing alright lass." I replied. She frowns a bit but quickly change to a smile, probably already knowing me too well. 

"Soka soka...anou... Foxy-kun? Anata made kare to koi o shite imasu ka?" She seem to be asking. I haven't fully understanding japanese but iknow she said you, i tilt me head to aside in confusion. 

"Are you know...with him?" she ask as a slight look of concern showing up in her eye

I perk my ears up , suprise she even asking after knowing me for a few months. i look down start to think . Do i? He had been so cruel to me, i can feel my face heating up as. i look up to give her anwser only to meet her darken gaze. She blinked a few times and shakes her head. Then she turn her head at me with a concerned look. I give her a shrug not knowing anymore. She give me a blank face then sign, running her right hand through her.

"Are you serious? Even after everything?" i fold back my thought she's going to lecture again about feeling. She look at me straight in the eyes before taking a deep breath

" I guest it can't be helped." She say, almost like she's going to give up. i sigh, thankfully that she didn't do. she loudly gasps than say "I fogot something ! Brb." she stood up and ran out. i sit there sort of amazed by her lacks of remembrance. She quickly returns with a bag "Here you go!" she say as she hold it out for me. I stare at it then i stare at her.  she smiles and swings it at me to take it. "Come on, It's won't hurt you." i hesitantly take the offering, i peek inside and i almost cry. "Well? Do you like it? You said It's favorite, Right ?" As i open it , i can feel her grinning toward me. I continue to stare into the bag and went to grab a....

???'s POV : 

Where is this Rift taking me ? I don't  even care anymore, i hope it take me somewhere they can't find me. My vision blur out, i faint.

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