Chapter 4 : New Management

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Silver's POV :

I can tell that they are shocked to know who i am so i decide not to go into details.

"YYYYYYYe be a real ppppirate ?" Foxy stutters and the girl named Flare just standing there looking at me. I slightly nod.

"Sink me! I 'ave a real pirate in me cove !" Foxy exclaims with excitement. I widen my eyes and look at him.

"So How do it feel to sail the seven seas ? Do ye go treasure hunting ? Do ye fight off with scallywag that try to steal the booty ?............" He sprints infront of me and starts to ask me a lot of question. He's talking so fast that i don't even understand half of the thing he said.

"Slow down Foxy, you're confusing him !" The girl said. She looks at me , i tilt my head a bit to the side , confusing. " Sorry about him, he just excited to see a real pirate." She explains

"Isn't he a pirate ?" I asks. "Aye lad me be a true pirate but i never went outside, not in this state of course !" Foxy exlaims. As he said that i look at his arm and it's cover in bandage, his head seem to have some bruises as well. Then it hit me.

"Foxy take off your shirt!" I asks him. "For what lad ?" he ask a bit confuse.

"Take it off, NOW." I demand a bit angry. Foxy slightly nod at me and takes off his shirt. I knew it , his body is covered with gauzes and full of bruises. "Who did this to you ?" i ask worryingly. He looks down didn't anwser. I immediately know the anwser. "It's Freddy, was it?" I look at the girl and asks, she looks down then slowly nod. I growl a little bit

"Pl...Pl...PLease don't hurt him lad" I turn aroung only to see Foxy hold my arm stutters.

"He hurt you and now you're begging for him UNBELIEVABLE!" The girl mutters at Foxy. Foxy's ears flat down. "The lad was just angry and he didn't mean it. When the lad calm down everything will be back to normal." Foxy says. The girl doesn't anwser, she just lets out a sigh and appologises to Foxy . By the way Foxy talk , I can tell that he has a crush on Freddy. I understand that but this can't go on or Foxy will be seriously hurt or even committ to suidecide. I look down starting to come up with a plan. Then an idea come through my head. I put my hand on the girl shoulder "Flare isn't it ? I think it's getting late, you should go home and let Foxy have some rest" She nods and says good bye to Foxy and walk toward the exit. "I have a plan to help Foxy, meet me at the entrance at 7.00, i'll you the details when we meet. Now i need some prepareation first" She looks at me suprised then nods and walks away. I teleport away an start preparing for the plan.

Flare's POV :

Silver said he had a plan to help Foxy. He is so nice but what do he have to prepare. Doesn't matter, as long as it help my best friend, i'm in. I rushing to the exit noticing everthing inside pizzaria is a mess. Table and chair are everywhere. Look like Silver's power doesn't just affect Foxy's. I giggle, have fun cleaning up Freddy.

*time skip~*

Freddy's POV

Last night was a disaster. I heard someone screaming then everingthing started to fly absolute everywhere like there is a storm inside the place, thank god it ended after sometime . It's took me, Bonnie and Chica all night to clean up and organise everything back to normal. I take a look at the pirate cove, it's still intact for some weird reason. I wonder what that runt is doing. I feel something hits me. What is this feeling ? I been getting it lately when i think of that Fox but i couldn't careless. We are getting ready to preform when the boss come in.

"What are you doing here Boss ? It's almost opening time." I ask him.

"Well i have to inform you that i sold this place for someone else, and we are closing today, the new owner said he wanted to observe the pizzaria." he replies.

"Ok, but where is he ?" i ask. "He shouldbe here any minutes....There he is !" he turn aound and point at the person walking through the entrance

N.O's POV :

Flare arrive at the pizzaria at 7.00 to meet up with Silver . She sees him standing at the entrance waiting for her. He is holding a bag of something. He waves at her as she walk toward him.

"So what's the plan ?" Flare asks

" You will soon find out , now go inside i have a suprise for you !" Silver replies

They are walking inside when Flare notices a man talking to the animatronic. he seem to be the owner. they stop in front of the man.

"There you are. We been waiting for you! Freddy let me introduce to you. This is Silver the new owner of this place ." the man say. Flare widen her eyes in suprise. Silver bends down whispering to her ears " Go and wait for me in the office. I'll explain later." He give his bag to her. She nod then go to the manager's office.

Freddy's POV :

The old boss introduces us to the new boss/manager. I don't like this person. His body look weird. It's look like it's consist of all kind block but i don't see anything that hold them together. The old boss leaves. The new one stand there looking around for a few moment.

"Can you guy give me a tour to this place ?" He ask

"Sure. Let me show you around." I reply

"But first tell me. Who is inside that cove over ?" He asks pointing at the pirate cove .

"That guy. He's a nobody!" I smirks

"Oh really ? May i take a look inside ?" he ask " Sure. Go a head!" I reply

He walked inside. After a few moment he walks out, heads into his office and come out with a bag then he walks toward me

"Freddy i want you to do something !" he says to me

"Yeah sure ! What is it ?" i reply , rolling my eyebrows.

"There are gauzes inside this bag, i want you to in the pirate cove and change Foxy's gauzes. His old one are stained with blood." he says while giving me th bag.

"What ?" I ask, suprise. "You heard me. Go in there and change Foxy's gauze." He points at the pirate cove.

"But...." "No BUT mister and that an order. Chica and Bonnie will show me the place." He interupts me then walk away with Bonie and Chica, leaving me there shock at what i just heard.

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