Chapter 3 : Friends, Pains and Promises Part 3

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Silver's POV :

Wh...Where am i? How long have i been unconcious for? I can feel someone is touch my core. I groan as i begin to stir awake. I open my eyes only to meet a child standing in front of me, by her appearance i can guess that she's a furry. My vision still blurry as i look around, this place seem to be so familiar. I'd been a place similiar to this before when I recruited him. "Who are you? Where am i ?" I ask. The girl hesitates for a little bit then replies "My name is Flare and this is my friend Foxy and you are in his cove." Wait! Did she just say Foxy. I look behind her and there he is standing there waving at. "F...F...Foxy?" i stutter, starting to panic. "No...NO...NOOO" I mutters as i growl at them making them back away. Suddently it hits me, i was inside of cove this intire time . I can't believe it, they'd already found me and now they're going to take me back. I don't want to go back, never again. I DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT MONSTER EVER AGAIN! " YOU WILL NOT TAKE ME BACK ALIVE!" i shout in panic, feeling tear start to drift down my cheecks. I cover my face with my hands as i begin to cry. My thought is racing through my head, i can help but just cry as loudly as i can. Everything  around my start to go flying in every direction as my power loses control.

Flare's POV : 

Everything go flying in random direction, Foxy hold me in protecting me from the Flying object . I hear that person screaming and sobbing. I turn, looking at him. He is coving his face with his hand, screaming. I can see his tear drift down the ground and i notice his white fur turns into a gray-ish color. I think he is having a breakdown, i need to calm him down and i know just how. I was walking toward that person when Foxy hold back my wrist, shouts. 

"It be too dangerous lass! Stay back!"

"I think he is having a breakdown. We need to calm him down!" I reply, look at Foxy with determine.

"Ok lass! But ye be careful Ok ?" I slightly nod and Foxy lets go of my wrist. I continue to walk toward the screaming. "Go away!" he shouts. But i ignore that, a piece of wood fly at me and scratch my arm. I whine a little and continue making my way toward him. I finally make it to where he is sitting. I pull him in and hug him tightly.

Silver's POV :

My vision was blank until i notice something warm in my chest. I look down, tear still drifting down my cheeks,and i see the girl is hugging me. "It's ok, don't be scare. We aren't with them." The girl whispers gently. I don't why but those word seems to have calm me down . I stop screaming and i slowly hug her back tightly. She lets go of me, looks at me and smiles. "Are you telling the truth?" I look at her and ask. She nods as she wipes tear off on my cheecks. Everthing drop down when i'm in full control of myself. Foxy walk toward me, asking "Are ye lad and lass ok ?" 

"We ok now. Sorry for shouting at you earlier." I say while looking down into the ground.

"It be ok ladd. ye was in a breakdown, i can't blame ye." He replies, smiling at me. 

I look around, everthing is a mess. The curtain is torn a little bit, his bed is upside down, his closet is broken and his clothes is everywhere. i look at the little girl , she has a cratch on her arm . I frown a little bit then say "I made quite a mess, didn't i? Let me clean this up then we can talk." 

"Thank ye lad but i can do it meself" Foxy replies

"It's ok, let me do this. This will be quick." 

I snap my finger and everything go back to their original state. The torn in the curtain disappear, Foxy's bed flip back up, all wood pieces of the closet stick up togerther fixing itself and his clothes gone flying into the fixed closet. I grab the girl's injured arm and put my hand on her scratch which make her whine a little. I wait for a few second and let go of the girl arm. She gasp as she saw her her scratch has heal. Foxy's eyes widen as he drops his jaw, amazed by the things that just happen.

Foxy's POV : 

How is he doing that ? Is he have magic ? I was amazed and speechless by what just happen.

"There everything is back to their normal state." He exclaims. 

"How are ye doin' that ? Do Ye magical or somethin' ?" I ask in a suprising tone

"I guess you can say me that!" He replies

"Who are you ?" Flare ask 

"My name is Silver and i'm do i put this ?" He replie 

"You can tell us anything. We are not going to just you or tell anyone so don't be affraid!" Flare exclaims

"Ok i'm a Pirate captain come from another world but the problem is they put an unlimited bounty on my head!" He say with a shrug

"You are WHAT ?" I and Flare gasp.

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