Chapter 6 : The Plan

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Flare's POV : 

"....I found out the person that had caused the incident ." Silver said. i jumped up almost fell down the couch. 

"Who was it ?" I asks him. He sigh then anwser " He is *****, the son of ****** and****" 

"What ? How is that even possible ?" i straled at him , my eyes are wide opened. 

"I blame myself for it. Half of this was my fault." Silver says as he is looking down to the ground.

"Why ?" i asks confused. "It because-" He explains everything to me and give me an example to prove his words. I looks up to the celling processing the information. I let out a big sigh then ask him

"So how are we going to help Foxy and Freddy ?"

"I already done the first stept and it's working perfectly. The second is help them to confront their feeling with each other. But there are 2 problem." Silver replies

"What ?"

"One : Freddy's stubbornness. I know that he won't admitt he love Foxy first handed. He will denie that for sometime. But that not the main problems. The second and main problem is Bonnie. I can tell by bonnie bahavior that he has feeling for Freddy. We must do something quick before Bonnie's jealousy kick in and he may do something horrible." Silver explains to me about the situation.

"True...True... We need keep our eyes on Bonnie but i have to go to school so i can only come here on sunday or maybe saturday. You will be drowned in paperworks. We need to find someone to help us!"

"I think i know the perfect person." Silver smirk.

We walk out of the office and into the kitchen. Chica is making pizza and Bonnie is nowhere to be seen. This is the perfect opportunity. We walk toward Chica. We stand behind her and begin to talk. "Hey Chica ! Can we speak with for a second ?"

"Ok, but it must be worth it to interupted me making pizza." She says as she's crossing her arms. We explain to her what we going to do and she almost fangirling but Silver cover her  beak. 

"Sorry, i'm just so excited. So what do you want me to do ?" She asks giggling.

"We need you to watch over Bonnie and tell us if he is acting strangely. And if Freddy come to you for help with his feeling told him to go to me for advise, ok ?" Silver replies

"Ok , i'll inform you if Bonnie is acting strangely. I can't believe this day has come. You two don't know how long has i shipped those two ?

"Us too" I and Silver sync.

*le time skip*

Freddy's POV :

I'm talking to Foxy then i suddently realised what i am doing. Why am i so friendly to him ? He is a monster , he deserves to suffer. I can feel angry and hatred start to built up in me. I look at him with pure anger in my eyes. He looks alarmed as I clench my fist. I slowly back away a little. I rise up my fist ready to beat him. But when i see the bandages on Foxy's arms as he put them up try to guard his face. I couldn't bring myself to punch him. I end up punching the wall so hard that it cracks a bit. I turn look at him only to meet his fearful amber color eyes. Wow his eyes are beautiful. That warm feeling strikes me again but i decided to ignore it again. I storm out of the cove. Why suddently i have this feeling ? I can't think straight. All I can think in my headright now is Foxy. What is wrong with me ? I think Chica can help me with this . She is an expert in this kind of thing. So i go off try to find Chica. I then see her in the kitchen making pizza. "Chica can i talk with you for a minute ?" 

"Sure! What is it Freddy ?" Chica replies

"I been having this strange feeling and i don't know what is it ? Can you help me ?"

"I don't know Freddy. Oh why don't you ask the boss ? I think he know better than me" Chica replies

"But i don't know if i could trust him." i grunt

"I'm sure he is nice. Now go, i'm busy" She replies then turn away.

Sigh guess i don't have a choice i walk out the kitchen the headed to the boss's room. I knock and he says come in. I come in and see him sitting on the couch reading newspaper and a little girl sitting next to him.

"Come here and have a sit." says the boss. I walk toward him then sit on the couch opposite where he is sitting.

"What is Freddy ?" He asks

"Uhm...I been  having these weird feelings and don't know what it is. Can you help me ?"

"Sure. Can you describe them ?" He asks

"There is a feeling that feel like someone is pounding my chest. and it's make me hard to breathe and feel bad." I describe

"That Freddy is call guilt. You'll get that feeling when you do something wrong and regret about it . did you do something that make you regret ?" he explain

Do i ? I mean i do feel a little bad to injured Foxy that much but still he deserve it. " No" I reply

"Anything else ?" He asks

" Yeah, This is a warm feeling get when i look at a person. It's make me feel really happy and calm and I can't stop thinking about that person. Boss what is wrong with me ?"

"There nothing wrong with you Freddy! That feeling is called Love !" 

I starled at anwser for a bit. I'm in love with Foxy !

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