Ova 2 ( part 1): Memorable Springbreak

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All the Ova will tell a part Silver's background and some other shipped i love, it's also have a certain impact to the main story line. And maybe some smut but i'm not good at writing them so if someone want to do it for me than massage me! If any of you is curious about Silver's past then go a head read this Ova. if not wait until next week and i'll back to write regular chapters!  Oh right, let's get to the Ova!

Silver's POV : 

I wanted to thank them for throwing me a birthday party. But how ? Oh maybe since we are now on springbreak, i thought we could go somewhere.  Maybe we could go to the beach , yeah it would be fun. But a bunch of sentient animatronics on the beach would just freak people out. Wait! I knew a way but i needed to talk to Golden first! I walked out of my office with spell book in my hand and head to the safe room where i  know i could found him. I saw him sat in the corner of the room. I walked toward him and he turned and looked at me.

"What do you want Silver ?" He asked

"I need you to preform a spell ?" I said as he widened his eyes and looked at me.

"You want me to do what ?" He asked. "I need you to preform a spell." i said a bit loud.

"You know magic ?" He asked with a suprise look on his face. "Yeah, I kinda have power but i swore an oath to never use them again cause it's too dangerous and it would trigger something that i seal down a long time ago!" i said, muttering the last part

"But what spell exactly ?" Golden asked. "It's a spell that will give you guy a real body." 

"Ok, why ?" Golden asked probably confused. "I want to take you guy to the beach but i though you guy would probaly freak out other people because you guy are sentient animatronic." He nodded and asked 

"Ok, but should we tell the other first."

"Nah let it be a suprise for them" I chuckled. Then i opened the spell book and turned to the page that we need. Ithen gave it to Golden. "Are you sure this is safe ?" Golden asked with a concerned tone. "Don't worry, it's will be fine!" I said and he sighed. Golden read the incantation out loud and the ground began to shake. There was a flash so i closed my eyes, and when i opened them , i saw a golden bear in front of me. 

Golden's POV:

After i read the spell , there was a big flash and i fall down to the ground. And when i got up, I notice my body has changed. My hands are now paws but i still have fingers, i guess they are still hands . I had golden fur and i touched it. Wow, it felt so solf ,definitely different from my old metalic skin. I realized i was wearing clothes too. I was wearing a black shirt and a golden vest with some black pants, i still had my top hat and bowtie. Silver gave me a mirror to look at my face. I began to feel my face and every part of my body. This was awsome, i look more likable now, kinda cute actually. Silver and i then heard screaming so we rushed out the safe room and run to the dinning hall. We saw Foxy and Freddy panicking around, Flare and Bonnie is calming Chica who was also panicking . Foxy and Freddy wasn't changed that much. They looked like their normal self but in furry form. Bonnie on the other hand though, he looked super hot. His body is bulging with muscle, he is wearing and white tank top with a black jacket and some jeans. Chica wasn't changed a lot though, her hair is longer and tied up into a ponny tails which look super cute. She is wearing a white t shirt with a heart on it and a long blue skirt. Silver coughed and they turned around and looked at us. They noticed i was also changed too.

"What happened to us ?" Freddy asked

"Well, Golden and i used a spell and it gave you real bodies." Silver replied and they just stared at us.

"Why ? " Foxy asked confusingly. "I want to thank you guy for throwing me abirthday party so i decided to take you guy to the beach but i affraid you guy will freak people out because you're sentient robot. Now problems solved! You may have a boddy but the inside of your boody is still the same as before so don't worry." Silver anwsered in a happy tone.

They stayed silent for a while and Silver started to worry. "Do you guys not like it ?"  Silver asked a bit sad. "No no no...it's ok , we just need  sometime to get used to this." Foxy said as he touching his face with his hand. "Wow i never knew i face was so solf and i have fur and they are so solf and fluffy. Wow this body is amazing." Foxy exclaimed after examed his new body carefully . "You can tell me about it !" Bonnie said, flexing his arm. Chica look into the mirror, " This is me ? Dam am i beautiful !"

"Yes, you do." Flare giggled. I stood there watching them explore their new body. Foxy was apperantly ticklish and he can purr. How cute ! " Glad you guy like it. Now go pack your stuff and get ready, we'll be going tomorrow !" They nodded and go to their room. "Do you think they want to get back to normal after this ?" Silvers asked me. "Probably and maybe probably not. I guess i just have to wait and see!" Silver nodded and walked to his office.

Wow, that spell was powerful but how did Silver get his hand on that spell book. He said he had power but he swore an oath not to use them again, why ? And he said it would trigger something , like what ? There is a lot of things we don't know about Silver. He had been here for a long time now but he still refused to tell us his past . What is he hiding ? What ever it is, it must be to protect us. And while i cleaned his room a month ago, i noticed he had a suit of armor in his closet with pirate captain hat that has a symbol on it but i didn't understand. I doubed that he ever told us. But a little i know, the trip we about to take will anwser some of my question. 

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