Chapter 2: Friends, Pains and Promises part 2

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Foxy's POV :

I pull out... a box of chocolate! I stare at it, wide eyes "Suprise! Do you like it? I know you are hungry so i bring you some food to put in your little ice box." The girl exclaims. I continue to stare at the bag of food in my hand then i feel a hand on my head slowly start to pet me. I look up the girl meeting her eyes full of happiness and hope. I slowly smile at her and hug her, being mindful of my left hooked hand."Thank ye lass." I say as i gently tighten the hug. "Of course Foxy-san!" She giggle. She lets go of me and opens the box that still in my hand. "Now, eat up. Don't worry about me. I already ate some pizza earlier" She says, waving her free hand.

I guess that she was reading my mind about asking her if she want some. I take a piece out and plop it into my mouth , chew it a bit and thoroughly savor the flavor. It then hit me. I stare at the chocolate then look at her, "Dis be what i think it be?" She giggles a bit then nods her head " It's Swiss chocolate! Your favorite!" She exchaims, smiling her infamous toothy smile. I slowly smile at her, she remembered. I plop even more into my mouthand savor the taste of the chocolate. She gives the box as she grabs the bag, "I'll put these away for you." I continue eating and nod, fully trusting her not going to do anything in my cove. I finish the box rather quickly than i expected. I sightly pout, upset that i finished the delicious treat. I hear light, almost quiet footsteps behind me then i felt a hand on my shoulder. "Daijobu Foxy-san. Motto atode shutoku suru." i hear her say. Using the lesson she give me , i know she said something about more. I nod a bit, asuming that she said she'll get more.

Flare's POV

I sit down and start to chat with Foxy. The poor Fox, he didn't mean to do it but Freddy decided to jump to conclusion and blamed Foxy for it without checking to see if Foxy was ok. I haven't told Foxy about it yet cause i only heard it from a friend and i haven't confirmed it yet. After everything Freddy had done to Foxy, he still decided to stay here with Freddy. I guess it's something that can't be helped. I take a good look of Foxy, his body is wrapped in gauzes and full of bruises and he look rather skinnier than before. I guess he haven't eaten anything for weeks. I sigh, disappointing a little cause it's time i have to go home. My ears flick to a shredding sound as i stand up about to say good bye to Foxy. I think Foxy hear that too cause his ears perked up. He stands up and looks around with me. I look up as i hear another shredding noise coming from above. I saw the a small crack in the selling, then i realise not the selling cracking because The crack start to expand into the air. I pull Foxy out of the way as the crack break open, forming a massive hole in midair and someone rather than something is falling out of it and onto the floor. Then the crack disappears. We walk toward the figure laying on the ground and see his body is covered in blood.

"What's going on in there ? " We hear Freddy shouts.

"Nothing lad..." Foxy replies. "Then keep it down." Freddy growls

"We need to help him, he is covered in blood!" I said, Foxy nod. We begin to drag him into Foxy's bathroom so we can wash the blood off of him. Foxy starts undressing him while i go and grab a towel. He is also wearing a classic red pirate outfit like Foxy. His body is very weird, It's like consist of square, spherical and triangular block which is white and seem to be his fur. We wash the blood off of him, supprise at the fact that he wasn't even injured then whose blood was it ? After that we dry him up and dress him in one of Foxy pirate outfit, It't tightly fit him. We manage to drag him back to the stage and lean him against the wall. "Man, he's heavy." I sigh. "Yeah!" Foxy sigh agrees.

"What do you think he is ?" I ask

"I'm not sure, I'd never see someone like this before!" Foxy replies

I notice a silver orb in the centre of his chest. I go toward him and touch it. He let out a groan. I back away from him, his eyes begin to open. "Are you ok ?" i ask. He widen his eyes as he looks at me and then looks around. "Who are you ? Where am i ?" He asks. "Wow he has a really deep voice!" I thought, a little suprise. "My name is Flare and this is my friend Foxy and you are inside his cove." I point at Foxy and reply.

"F...F...Foxy ?" He stuttering as he look at Foxy. Foxy waves his hand meaning to say hello.

"No....NO....NOOOO" He mutter as he loudly growls at us. Foxy begin to back away scared.

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