Chapter 5: First Time Experiencing Love and Guilt

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Freddy's POV:

I can't believe that the new boss told me to take care of that runt. But since it's an order, i can't do anything about it. *Sigh* Let's get this over with. I take the bag full of bandages and medical supply and head to the pirate cove. The boss even left me a note to tell me what to do, How nice ! I walk in and expected to see that Fox crying but instead i see him snuggling a plush of myself. I blush a little, he notice me then blushes and put the plush away. He looks cute when he blushes. Wait! What am i thinking ? Freddy snap out of it. Then i start to feel something warm inside of my chest but i decide to ignore that feeling. I walk toward him, he curl up shivering. 

"Fr...Fr...Freddy, wha...What do you want ?" He stutters. I never knew he could speak English but I think his pirate accent is better, it's kinda cute and sexy. Wait! i'm doing it again. Why do i have this feeling in my chest ? JUST STOP ALREADY ! I literally internally screaming inside my head.

"The boss told me to change your gauze so take off your shirt! " I grunt.

"Wh..wha..." He sutters but cut off by my yelling

"TAKE THAT DAM SHIRT OFF NOW OR I'LL PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE! YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT." I yell at him. And somehow after i have said that sentence another feeling start to form in my chest. It's feel like someone is rapidly punching me in the chest. Foxy just look down and take off his shirt revealing his wounded body. As i see his body, the feeling i felt before start to become stronger and it's making me hard to breathe. I try to act like i'm ok but i'm not. What is this feeling? I want to make it stop but i can't and it's getting stronger by the second.

I unwraps Foxy gauze, he whine a little cause the pain. And each time he do that I feel like someone shoot a bullet through my chest. The note said i need to gently put the medicine paste on his cut. I slowly put the medicine on his cut . he starts to wiggle wand whine bacause of the pain.

"Stop moving or your cut will open again. And be quiet or i'll beat up your ass until you could make another sound." I grunt and he stops. Why is he so pathetic ? I can see him biting his lip try not to whine. After i'd done , i wrap up his cut with bandages. I leave the cove, go to the kitchen grab a box of pizza and a glass of water then come back. I walk to him put the box of pizza on his bed and give him the glass of water.

"Boss also told me to give you some food and water. So take this  and eat up!" I grunt . Foxy take the glass of water and gulp it down. He open the box pizza and grab a slice . He quickly savor it. He looks at me and i frown at him. He looks down and slowly asks "D...D...Do you want to share this pizza with me? Cause i can't eat this whole thing."

Somehow  his word make me feel calm. And before i even realise what i'm doing, i have already grabbed a slice of pizza and my frown has been replaced with a smile. I don't feel angry or hatred for him, all of my feelings are replaced with a warm and joyful feeling. Then we share the pizza, and before i even know it. I and Foxy are chatting like we used to before the incident

Silver's POV :

The plan seem to be working. I can hear them talking and laughing. I guess the main ostacles  left is Freddy's stubbornness and Bonnie's jealousy. By the way Bonnie look when i told Freddy to go and take care of Foxy that i can tell that Bonnie has feeling for Freddy. Let's just hope that he didn't do anything stupid . After taking a tour around place, i return to my office only to meet Flare's angry expression. She sit on the coach crossing her arm and glare at me.

"Anything you want to say ?" Flare give me a death stare as she asking.

"I'm sorry for leaving here for so long!" I appologise. She lets out a sigh and asks me.

"So what's the plan ?"

"We are going to help Foxy and Freddy get together." I replies. Flare look at me , wide eyes.

"What? But isn't Freddy hate Foxy ?"

"No, Freddy just angry at Foxy after the incident . I think you heard about that."

"Yes, i heard about it but i don't believe Foxy had done that."

"I do too. So i had done some investigation. I found out Foxy wasn't the one causing the Incident.  I found out who did it and blame Foxy too. "

"Really! Who is it ?" Flare exclaims

" He is ...."

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I decided to do a cliffhanger. Oh and try to remember that bolded word because you'll see it in the future. Also i'll be updating this every Fri and Sat. Hope you have fun reading this story and this story will be long i assure you that.

Oh, i decided to make a serie that will continue a bunch of Frexy story that was discontinued in the view of Foxy's and Freddy's son, Frexy (Frexy Crimson Fazbear)! And yes, in my story Foxy has a last name and it is Crimson. So if you want me to continue any Frexy story leave me a comment or send me a massage. I'll try my best to make it happen. 

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