Chapter 7 : Denial, Dangerous jealousy and First Act of love

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Freddy's POV :

What? I'm in love.....with...with...with Foxy. It can't be , i hate that Fox. How can i be in love with him ? I don't even want to look him in the...eyes. His beautiful amber eyes and his cute sexy voice. I think , blush a little.

"You do in love, don't you ?" The boss smirks

"No, i don't !" I try to sound tough

"You can't hide that blush you know. So who is it ? Bonnie , Chica..." The boss say , a grin appears on his face.

"It can't be Foxy, is it ?" The girl says. As she says Foxy's name, my heart start to go crazy. I think it's gonna jump out of my chest. I look down, blush madly.

"OMG! It's Foxy , isn't it? " The girl Screams

"No, it's not!" I denie. "Sure you do! Just look at yourself. Your face look like a tomato." The boss tease me.

"I SAY THAT I'M NOT !" I yell at them and Storm out of the room while blushing. But i'm not even realise there a person is standing on the end of the hall, probably has been eardropping me the intire time.

Bonnie's POV :

(A/N: Ooooooooooh boy! Here come the first event.)

I'd been eardropping Freddy and the Boss because Freddy has been acting weird all days. And i couldn't believe Freddy has feeling for Foxy. I heard Freddy stomping. I then move to the end of the hall pretended to be walking by. Freddy stormed out of the room, he seem to have not notice me. I has had feeling for Freddy for a long time and now he is having feeling for that piece of scrap metal. I think i have a plan stop take them apart. I smirk then go and begin my plan. I look around and make sure no one see me as i entering the pirate cove. Foxy is asleep, perfect ! I took his hook and cut a line on my arm. it's hurt AF but i try not to make sound so i don't wake up Foxy. I then run out of the cove head to the kitchen because that where Freddy is.

( A/N. I know what's you all wondering ? The Foxy in my story has two hand but he always hold a hook even when he showers. His hand is not actually a hook. )

"Freddy, help me !" I run in the kitchen, faking my tear. He looks at me and notices my arm.

  "What'd happened? Who did this to you ?" He asks

"Foxy!" i reply

" What ?" He yells. I think he is angry.

"I went and checked if he is ok and he attack me!" I says with fake tear in my eyes.

" That piece of scrap metal! I'LL SCRAP THAT S*** IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO" He shouts and storming out of the kitchen head to the pirate cove. I smirk as i'm bandaging myself.  I'm going to enjoy this show.

Foxy's POV : 

I wake up cause i hear someone is yelling. Then i notice my hook is cover in blood and some purple fur on the ground. Did i do something to Bonnie ? I question myself as i hear Freddy shout. "That piece of scrap metal! I'LL SCRAP THAT S*** IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO!" I then hear Freddy's Stomping to my cove. No , he's going to scrap me. What do i do ?  I'm panic. There is only a way out. I put my hook away and pull out a knife under my pillow. Freddy left it here that last time he beat me. I hover the knife over my wrist and press the blade down, cutting a line on my wrist. The blood start to ooze out and drip on the ground. Good bye cruel world. I'm sorry Flare. I'm sorry Silver. But I just can't take it. Not anymore. I fall on the ground and faint from the bleeding.

Freddy's POV : 

I'm storming through the dinning area and soon standing infront of the pirate cove. That fox will pay for hurting Bonnie. I shout as i'm openning the curtain.

"COME OUT HERE YOU PIECE O-" I was interupt by the scene. Foxy is on the ground , bleeding and there a bloody knife on the ground. My mind go blank. I ran to him and pick him up!

"FOXY! FOXY! DO YOU HEAR ME ?" I scream in panic , tear is dripping down my cheecks. He didn't anwser. what'd i done ?

"FOXY! PLEASE ANWSER ME ! PLEASE SOME ONE HELP ME!"  I cry out for help as loud as i can. Someone open the curtain. "What wrong Freddy ?". It's the boss and the girl. They look at me and the bleeding foxy in my arms.

"What happened ?" The girl asks worryingy.

"I don't know. When i came here, he had already like this." I reply.

"Flare ! Go to my office and grab the first aid kit. Freddy! Go outside. I'll take this from here!" He demands. He walk to me, grab Foxy from my arms  and put him on his bed. 

"The cut is too deep! We need to seal it quick!" He says as he put his hand inside a strap on his back and take out a needle and some string. He start to seal Foxy's cut. I walk out of the cove. Sitting on one of the chair and continue sobbing loudly. Chica and Bonnie come to check on me.

"Freddy, i heard screaming. What'd happened?" Chica asks .

"Foxy, he...*hic*...he ...*hic*..." I try to speak but i just can't

"Calm down Freddy! And tell us what happend? " Bonnie try to calm me down. He look worry.

"Foxy has committed suicide and it's all my fault." I says then start to sob even louder than before. Only now i realise. I love Foxy. I love him more than anything in the world. Why do i have to be so stubborn ? I love him yet i denie it. And now I make him kill himself. He's not the monster. I am! I had torture him so much in past. Foxy please be alive!

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