Ova 2 (part 2) : Memorable Springbreak

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Golden's POV :

I had packed my stuff and i really excited and scared at the same time. I knew that everyone else felt the same cause we had never been outside before and we just preformed on the stage , well they did . But never socialized with anyone else before, excepted the night guards , Silver and Flare. I was really nervous and tingling with excitement. I grabbed my stuff and head out of the safe room, i didn't have must stuff though. Silver gave me some clothes and some hygiene items so i brought them with me and some book for the trip cause he said it gonna be a 2 days-trip before we could reach the beach. Wow , it's very far away. I went to the dinning area to meet everyone and Flare was also there. Silver actually convinced her parent to let her go with us. How nice ! I looked and realized that Bonnie wasn't wearing any shirt. 

"Uh Bonnie why aren't you wearing ay shirt ?" I asked him. He gave a me a shrug and said "My fur is thick that i think i'll actually gonna die from the heat if i wear anymore clothes . So i decided to stay shirtless until i find a way to cool my self !". I walked up to him and said. 

"It's can't be that thick !" I rolled my eyes and felt his fur. And suprisingly his Fur was thicker thand i though and it's so fluffy and solf and it's make his torso like a giant pillow and suddently i just wanted to burry my face in his chest. I zoned out for a minute and Bonnie zapped me back to reality. "Hey Golden can you take your hand off me please ?" I took my hand away as i looked at him, slightly blush. I noticed he was blushing too. I then said, " We should go outside, Silver probably waiting for us."  With that we walked outside. I still tried to forget what happened between me and Bonnie, luckily no one saw or i would dig a hole to hide from the embarrassment. But when we walked outside Silver wasn't there, instead we saw someone else leaning against a family van. He was a orange dragon , he had two eye's color. The left one was yellow and the right one was pink and he seem to have a mane and it was a golden color. He had 3 horn on his head , 2 one the top of his head and 1 on the tip his muzzle. He was wearing a black T-shirt and Jean jacket with some jeans. We all suprised, excepted Flare.

"Sorry we are late." Flare said.

"Flare you know this guy ? And where is Silver ?" Freddy asked and Foxy tilted his head in confusion. Flare chuckled and We confused.

"That guy is Silver!" Flare exclaimed and we literally dropped our jaw. "You must be joking !" Chica exclaimed. "She's not joking!" We then heard the guy talked and immediately we recognised that voice, he really was Silver. We stunned as he walked toward us. "So do you guy like the new me ?" Silver asked and stick out his tonge playfully.

"You look awsome ! When did this happened ?" Bonnie asked. "Last night, when you guy weren't noticing, i asked Flare here to do a spell for me ! And it's turned out quite nicely if i say so myself."  He chuckled. We just stood there amazed by his new form. "Alright , are you guy just going to stand there all day? Common, get into the van, we're moving." He said and we smiled. We put our luggages in the back of the van and get into the it. Chica and Flare sat on the passanger sit, Foxy and Freddy took the next 2 sit, 1 sit for extra stuff so that leave...me and bonnie are sharing 1 sit together. Everyone got in their sit and Bonnie and i sat down next to each other. We literally have no space between us. The van started moving and we were then on our way. The first couple of hours were very awkward between me and Bonnie. We didn't say a word, Bonnie just gazed out the window and i just read my book. After that i got tired but i could hardly rest because of the bad traffic. The van keep stopping every 5 minute and each time it does the van shook , i hardly keep myself awake. Then Bonnie pulled me in, sat me on his lap and pull my head in his fluffy chest. I looked up to him, he smiled and said, "I saw you have trouble sleeping there buddy. Care to use me as a pillow?" I smiled and nodded, burying my face in his chest. His fur was soft and fluffy . I took a deep breath and i can smelled his fur, they smelled like lavender. It was so comfy that i almost drifted to sleep immediately. My eyes closed and i drifted to sleep.

Bonnie's POV : 

I was sitting next to Golden, gazing out the window and thought about what happened before. Back at the pizzaria , he touched my chest and just zoned out. What was he thinking ? After that i thought i saw him was blushing and i could feel myself blushing as well. He kinda cute while he was blushing. I could feel my face heating up, "Snap out of it Bonnie" I yelled in my head. I turned around i saw Golden trying to sleep but it seemed that the rapidly stopping car due to horrible traffic left him restless. I then pulled him in, sat him on my lap and pulled his head in my chest. He looked at me probably confused, I gave him a smile and said, "I saw you have trouble sleeping there buddy. Care to use me as a pillow?"He smiled and nodded, he buried his face in my chest and quickly drifted to sleep. I looked at him and thought to myslef, "He looked so cute." I then felt butterfly in my stomatch and a warm feeling inside, i couldn't just help it and smiled. 3 seconds after i realized that i have feeling for him but then i affraid. Affraid that if i told him , would he like me back ? Afrfraid that this would end up like last time. But then i looked at him, a smile again appeared on my face. I wished this moment would never end.

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