Ova 2 (Part 4) : Memorial Springbreak

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A/N : Hello I'm back ! Sorry for going away for so long ! If you are reading TNG book , you already know the reason why but i'll explain it again. The reason i haven't updated any of my book was because It's close to the end of the semester and i have to take an exam in every subject that i learned and i haven't got anytime to write anything. A part from that I'm also getting a writer block, but now i'm back and full of inspriration ! After this Chapter there will be a Special Christmas chapter of this book and TNG book and the gang will anwser any question you have for them . So if you have any question , comment in the comment section below and you will be feature in the next chapter and I will choose 3 person that have the most creative question to have their OC feature into this book ! Love you guy ! Thank so much for supporting me , although i'm a horrible writer that made ton of grama errors. Thank again for supporting me and hope you guy have a warm and happy christmas night! 
(edit : i have just fixed 3 grama error, i'm so bad at english, i don't know if there is any more grama error and i'm too lazy to check so forgive me)
Bonnie'S POV : 

  I awake after 5 hours and feeling refresh as ever. I sit up and notice Goldie is hugging my arm. I blush as i remember what happened last night. Man , That was intense. He heard he yawn and sit up, leaning against my chest.

"Good morning babe~" I cooed

"Morning..." He yawned

"Do you sleep well my adorable golden freddybear ?" I asked. Geeze since when did i become this cheesey but i kinda like it.

"Yes..." He anwsered

 "Let's get ready...The others are waiting for us..." I said and kissed his ceeck. He blushes and nods. We then take a shower and get ready. We walk to the receptionist to meet with the other. And the first thing we see is they smirking at us.

"What ? " I asked

"Oh you know~ " Freddy cooed

"What ?" I asked again, confused.

"Oh you know~" They chorused

"WHAT ?" I asked again, annoyed.

"Let me recall...ahemm...Daddy faster harder~" Freddy said dramatically. Me and Golden blush madly.

"You guy heard ?" I asked , blushing like a tomato.

"Yeah we heard, You guy were pretty loud" Flare said.

"So guy a couple now ? " Silver asked

"I guess so..." I said hold Golden close to me.

"I ship it...Ok common let's go !" Chica said.

We head to the van. We sit in the position as before and we strat moving. 3 hours later amd we arrive at the beach. We change into our swim suit and go out and play

Silver's POV : 

 Everyone is having fun, playing under the sun, enjoying the cool bree and splashing water on each other. Everything is perfect, I wish this peaceful moment would last forever. But i have make a big mistake of letting myself off guard. Cuz when i am sitting on th shore i notice a woman followed by a trailed of males. I quickly recognised who she was. She is an early 20s woman who has orange hair and emerald eyes, She was my co-captain, Sarah. She notices me looking at her and smile with relieve and a little bit of arrgant. As soon as she came close, I stand up facing her.

"Long time no see Captain." She greet me formally.

"What do you want Sarah ?" I asked her.

"Oh i just want to stop by and visit you and maybe persuade you to come back." She said.

"I never come back. Not after what you guy had done !" I growled at her.

"I know what we did was unforgivable but at least can you consider me and you are still friend ? " She said , sadness drown her tone. It's very hard for me to say no, we have been friend for as long as i remember.

"OK, but no funny business" I said .  Her look brighten and so does her smile. We then sit down and chat. After a while my old habit kick in.

"Srah, status report !" I said unawared of what i had just said.

She startled for a moment and anwser " Everything was functioned very well, the land that was protect by us hasn't been attacked. The Lightning crew has declared a war with us. Crew #1 is already in battlefield and they can't handle them alone. So wat do we do ?" 

"First of all , good. Second , that was foolish of them to declare a war with us, they know our force is stronger then their. Third , sending aid and calling back up to help the frontline, we can direct some of our force from the backline to help. Then sending aid to any city that was affected by this foolish war when it's over and-" I then snapped back and Sarah laugh.

"Forget about everything i just said." I said embarrassed.

"You haven't changed a bit." She said.

"You haven't aswell." I smiled.

"Please come back! We need you, you are like family to us." She persuaded me.

"Sorry but no...I've got another family to look after now." I said looking at the gang playing with the wave. 

"I see, then say hi to your new family for me." She said and smile softly.

"We appreciated that, thank you and good bye !" I said, hugging her one last time. She then stand up, opening a portal and leave. At the end of the portal , i can see my old crew members. I smile at them softly and back to watching over my new family.

End of Ova.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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