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*Harry's Office.

The Bradford lad stood in front of the Style's office complex, with his best friend. "This is it." Louis said reassuring his best friend. "Yup," Zayn said, popping out the "P".

After a few minutes of staring they went in and was immediately greeted by Mr. Styles's secretary. After informing his name, the woman spoke, 

"Mr.Malik. I'm Stephanie. Mr. Styles is currently at a meeting, but you can talk to the deputy, Mr. Payne." Stephanie said, literally eye raping the young man whose arms were littered with tattoos. Zayn smirked at the desperate young woman and said,"Um,no thank you, miss Stephanie. I'll meet Mr. Styles straightaway." he said and winked.

Louis lifted his eyebrows, "Excuse me, Miss Stephanie.'' Louis interrupted. "yes "she said. "Can I meet the deputy maybe, so I could talk about my best friend  ugh-and the contract?'' Louis asked.

The secretary stared at him, 

"Sorry, sir. You can only meet him if you're an art student. My apologies." she said, and left. And Zayn laughed out loud which was a rare sight. 

"Smooth, Tommo, Smooth" Zayn said, between his laughing.

 "Shut the hell up, man. Hey look, I gotta go. Just came here to see "Mr.Payne", but my luck is more stubborn than you, so shall I go?"Louis asked, trying to brush off the awkwardness away.

Zayn looked up at him, not really astonished, his face emotionless as always. The older boy knew he should stay. It was obvious from the look which Zayn was giving him. So he gave up and sat down again which got a smile of gratitude from the other lad.

As minutes passed, Zayn became more and more uneasy, so Louis gave an encouraging pat "Bend him over, Bad boy." He said. 


The CEO slumped in his chair, trying to calm himself down.

Stephanie, who had a huge crush on him, entered his room. "Excuse me, sir" she said. "Yes, darling" the CEO said, looking up at her. "You have a visitor sir, and he's one of those art students." she said. The CEO groaned.

"What's the name?" he asked clearly irritated.

"It's Mr. Malik. May I send him in?"

''As in Zayn Malik, babe?" he asked. The secretary blushed and nodded.

"Send him in. Immediately.''he said.

The raven haired lad entered the office room.


Zayn's eyebrows nearly flew off his face looking at the office. "What-Oh my god!"he mumbled to himself.

But what Zayn didn't notice was that a pair of emerald eyes were studying him the whole time and it spoke up making Zayn jerk slightly.

 "Well,well,well look who's here. So we met again." The CEO said. Zayn stood there not knowing what to do.After a moment he cleared his throat and said "Mr. Styles pleasure to meet you again. I'm Zayn Malik and as-" he was cut off. "Whoa whoa, please have a seat first and pleasure to meet you too" he said.

Zayn frowned at the man's behavior but sat down in front of him anyway.

"So the contract?." Zayn started.

"Zayn Malik'' the CEO's voice came deep and raspy.

A shiver ran down Zayn's spine from the way his name spilled from the CEO's mouth. But he brushed it off.

"The contract is acceptable, but before, I need to see some of your works and then I will decide, because don't fund people who draw shitty stuff." The CEO said roughly, and then his signature smirk emerged onto his lips.

Zayn hurriedly took the folder which was packed with art works and passed them to the CEO ,careful not to touch his fingers, but the CEO had a different idea, so he CEO dragged his long fingers tracing the younger boy's smooth hand, his emerald orbs staring directly at the honey ones and Zayn sucked in a breath and bit his lip, quickly removing his hand because of the electricity passing through the his whole body.It was still there, same as the first day. The CEO let out a low groan at the lip bite.

Harry quickly sat up and straightened himself and opened the binder to be met with one of the finest arts he has ever seen.

"HOLY SHIT! These are fantastic." he exclaimed.

Zayn's eyes widened at his reaction and his heart started hammering loudly in his rib cage, but at the same time he was doubting about this man's nature, and how he just praised his arts like a high school boy.

"What I meant was that these are great. They'll probably be sold in no time, Zayn" he said trying to cover up the sudden fangirling reaction. "You think so?" Zayn asked, his eyes like a doe. Harry's heart melted at the sight. A bad boy pouting in front of me, I can get used to this." he thought. His lustful thoughts replace by adore for a split second.

The young CEO flipped through the drawings, and suddenly his lips formed into a thin line, staring at the piecing green eyed woman in the folder. "Green eyes?" he thought.

"Malik?'' he asked. The other lad took his eyes from the wall and asked.

"Mr. Styles?''

"When was this picture drawn?'

"Which one?"

"This one, the woman with the green eyes?"

A nervous smile appeared on Zayn's lips and he searched for an answer.

"Oh-t-that was n-not d-drawn recently, it was drawn about 2,3 months ago." He said.Damn the stutter Malik.

The CEO nodded his head. "Oh, Alright'' he said, his voice with a tinge of disappoint. "I'm being stupid, there are billions of people who have green eyes"

Few minutes passed, only the sound of papers being flipped were heard. The CEO closed the binder and said."Mr. Malik, I'm glad to say that I'll sponsor your art work from now on. You are in, Welcome!" he said standing up and extending his hand to Zayn.

Zayn stood up and firmly shook hands ignoring the sparks and said "I'm so glad. Thank you so much Mr. Styles. I-I can't even believe that this is happening. Thank you so so much. I'm forever grateful for you. Wow." he babbled, excited.

"We are going to have so much fun together, Mr. Malik.'' The CEO said. "Yeah, we will" Zayn replied. "I'll bring my work as soon as possible" he added and thanking the CEO again and he took his leave.

Leaving the CEO to think what just happened. Maybe this is not lust? Maybe it is. Who knows? The CEO shook his head and went back to work.


So Zayn's in the contract!! And this will be a hella long journey!

Anyway as always I really appreciate your thoughts, opinions, votes and comments 

And I wanna thank @zarry_heart_jade  (S.P) for constantly reading this thing. Love you and thank you.  Also my one of my biggest supporters @FlowerInZarryHeaven for all the comments and love.Love you too.I hope you both will keep reading this!! (Though it's not that nice.)

And again a big thank you for every one who read this.


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