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Comments and thoughts will be much appreciated. Apologies for the long chapter but it's special so...enjoy!

*Remember happiness is with you, if it's not it's waiting for you...so don't give up.


Harry was still gazing down at the beautiful creature next to him. All mine. All mine.

Zayn finally sighed and spoke up, breaking the silence. "I've gotta tell you something." he said.

"Hmm... Go ahead beautiful." he encouraged the younger boy whose eyes were closed.

"I love you."

Zayn opened his eyes to the strong sun rays which struck his face, then closing them again he rolled over...expecting a body.

And he found none.

He jolted up, eyes widening and mind sprinting. "No, no, no" he muttered to himself tugging on the roots of his hair.

The immediate next thing he noticed is that he was covered in a fortress of blankets and pillows. Harry had somehow covered him completely and had even kept a few on the end of the bed in case of him falling off. He managed a joyful beam as he realized that it made him warm and cozy in the freezing and dim room.

Rubbing his face with hands, he checked his phone, dreadfully hoping that there would be text from him but only saw one from Louis, I'll be with Liam tonight Zee, take care. Love ya. And it was sent last night. Great.

He fell back onto the bed face down, "Fucking hell! What have I done!?" he groaned to the pillow, chest tightening when the familiar tobacco and vanilla smell hit his nostrils from last night. Staying still for a few minutes, trying to control his uneven breathing and tense hands, he stood up. His eyes caught something on the nightstand. A note.

                                                 I'm so sorry to leave you darling. Urgent meeting in the office but surprises waits in the kitchen. ;)

Zayn's appearance transformed sulky scared to cheerful. Well, never jump onto conclusions.

He shook his head and entered the bathroom gasping at the sight of him. Love bites in shades of blue, red and purple were blossoming on his shoulders, chest and neck. And his smile widened when he saw exactly ten marks on both sides his hips. Lovely.

He loved every second of yesterday and it will always be one the most wonderful and wildest nights of his life. And he was positive that he would cherish it for the rest of his life.

He did his routine and went to the kitchen to be met with a full meal sitting on top of the small island. He grinned; his cheeks hurting and he quickly thanked Harry over a text and sat down on the couch, not forgetting to snap a picture onto his phone.


"Why the fuck are you staring at my face? Didn't I give you bloody work?" The owner of the corporation screamed at his secretary.

His fists tightly clenched but his bright emerald orbs were gloomy and dull. He looked strained and worn-out in general.

The secretary raised an eyebrow at his odd attitude. She wasn't blind to see that he was happy in the past few days. Not for long though. And today it even surprised Raven when she saw Harry screech at every single person that meets his eyes. Well...here we are, back to the usual douchebag self. Raven didn't want to fight back so she just left the room, rolling her eyes.

The CEO fell back onto his black leather chair, forehead creased and shoulders slumped. Head throbbing from the anger and anxious thoughts that occupied his mind.

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