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Holy sh*t! It has been almost a month since I updated, I'm sorry for that because for the past days I was down, drained and fed up, but anyway here it is. Votes and comments are much appreciated. Enjoy! (Not Edited!)

*Hearts are monsters, that's why ribs are cages.

The hazel-eyed boy's friend let out a long sigh, a sign of frustration. This has been Zayn's routine for the past days. Bloodshot, dull eyes and a shattered heart staring onto the space mutely.

"He c-cheated Lou! Ri-right I-in front of me!" except crying that was as all Zayn said for the past two days. And Louis was more than ready to go beat the life out of that bastard but Zayn's pleadings and feeble eyes stopped him. He want to help his friend, hell, he is dying to help him but simply... didn't know how.

Liam has been blowing his phone up since eternity and Louis was relieved that he was on a business trip or else he was damn sure that his partner would bust down the place when there was no sign of him. Louis knew Liam had nothing to do with this but he couldn't help himself.

Zayn's eyes darted across the surroundings and landed on the cigarette packet lying on the floor. He leaned down to grab it but Louis snatched it before him. Zayn looked up and glared.

"It's a firm 'no' and don't give me that face because it won't help. I won't let you destroy your lungs Malik cuz if you start now you'll never stop. Get over that bastard then ask for these." Louis fired back. Zayn looked away, rolling his eyes. I'm perfectly capable of finding them Lou.

"No you aren't. I'm taking them all with me." Louis said determinedly.

Zayn groaned, "Give it Louis, Please." his voice barely above a whisper and it cracked halfway.

Louis swallowed down the victory smile down and continued, "Zayn look, I know he hurt you and I'm fucking livid bout it but that bastard isn't worth it, he isn't worth your tears. You can do much much better Zee." Louis stated.

But boy Louis wasn't ready for the outcome.

The hazel-eyed brimmed with tears, the emerald eyes plaguing him.

Louis panicked, "Shit, Come here lad, I'm sorry a' right? Stop crying." he said engulfing the damaged boy in a loving hug and Zayn broke in heart- wrenching sobs, the feathery haired one rubbed his back, guilt eating his insides. That douchebag. Look how fucking broken he is.

"Come on, let's get you inside." Louis helped Zayn up and carried his weak body inside. Although he cannot cook a single thing, he managed to fix some toast and force it down Zayn's throat. Zayn whined and wailed brokenly throughout the process, mumbling incoherent words, which to Louis replied, "I know lad, I know." But he was happy with the progress.

They watched random movies until Zayn fell asleep on Louis, and Louis covered the boy up and left the apartment, to buy grocery and maybe beat some ass.


"He's a treat for the eye isn't he?!" the men loudly cackled along his boss.

Raven sat on the man's lap; an undersized black dress and 7' inched heels finished her look.

Today was exceptional. For all of them. One of the town's most powerful men were with them. Or maybe the most powerful. No maybe not. Perhaps yes. It didn't matter because all went well...extremely well.

He kissed her blood red lips passionately and whispered a small "Thank you" which to she replied, "Anytime my love".

"Alright squad we'll play with him tomorrow shall we? And does everyone know their jobs?" The leader said contentedly, his voice placid.

"Yes sir"

"Good. Party hard, don't be late tomorrow." and they all departed.

His normal gloomy and lifeless office was buzzing with energy and everyone was in joy.

All thanks to the young stranger who accompanied them tonight.


Liam's legs bounced intolerantly inside the black Porsche. He knew that the office was in chaos due to Harry's recent actions and his unrestrained emotions and top of that Louis not answering his calls or messages ticked him off. So he abandoned the trip and here he is, on his way to the office from the airport.

He dialed Harry but it went straight to voice mail.Jesus Christ why?

The car slowly entered the vast building, its engine grumbling timidly. 

And immediately his jaw dropped when he saw the office standing in complete silence. No cars. No people. Complete silence. What the-

Liam got out of the car and was immediately met with one of their security officers, Adam. "Adam what the hell is going on here? It's a bloody Wednesday." Liam asked.

"Mr. Payne, the office is closed for these three days, I'm sorry that the message didn't reach. And-" he got cut off.

"When did this happen?"

"2 days ago and Mr. Styles said it's an emergency and he gave a three day vacation for everyone."

Liam was even more confused. Harry never, repeat that, never, closes this thing no matter what happens. Was he that insane? Shutting down an office because of a random boy? And why didn't he contact me? Wtf is going on? Question jammed up in his head, heart pounding.

He thanked Adam, left the office, and instructed the driver to take him to Harry's place. His insides screamed one thing...

Something was very wrong.


Zayn sprang up from his slumber, heart palpating against his ribs and sweat dripping down his body.

This nightmare was worse, much worse than before because, all he saw was him. The emerald eyes.

"Lou!" he said, voice groggy. Not a sound.

"Louis!" he yelled again and jumped when he saw something bright on his arm. A sticky note.

Zayn shook his head and managed a smile...after two days.

                         Went to get some goodies. Will be back soon pretty boy.


He examined around and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

All of a sudden, he was startled when he saw the doorknob rattling. Must be Louis. But instead of opening it stilled and the person on the other side knocked firmly on the door. Zayn frowned, and stood up. Has he forgotten the key?

The knock continued, becoming more exigent by the passing seconds and Zayn stood near the door, swearing at the apartment designer for not facilitating the door with a peephole. And he slowly opened it.

And there stood the person he least expected.

But before Zayn could handle a word, he felt himself being slammed against the nearest wall and Zayn screeched. The man fisted Zayn's sweater and inched his face closer to the younger boy.

"What the fuck did you to Harry?!"


Was it good? Hope ya'll enjoyed it. And the plot is twisting. *Smirk*

And I'm gonna update a few more chappies (I think) before the exams because I'll be ill fated once it starts.

Give the book some love.

So, vote and comment.


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