Chapter 3- ThD.

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The request to see Riley twice a week got approved by his superiors. He has been doing so well the past couple of weeks, that they offered him Dr. West's spot-which he gladly took. Now with his new position, he was allowed more freedom, and access to the more 'exciting' patients. His toxin has also been doing better. The research hasn't been as successful as he would have liked, but it was coming along slowly. A few other doctors congratulated him on his rise up and also apologized for Robert McCoy's death. He couldn't understand why they were sorry for his death, when he wasn't. Naturally, it was a basic human reaction upon hearing someone's death. Even though no one had even suspected him, that didn't stop the police from coming and questioning him since he was Robert McCoy's doctor. Their presence had almost ruined the satisfying feeling of taking Dr. West's spot and getting his request form approved.

"Please gentlemen, have a seat." He said with fake pleasantries. The two police officers made themselves comfortable on the patients couch. They seemed pleased with his behavior, judging by the small smiles on their faces. He silently hoped they weren't here because he was a suspect, suicide or not. He also hoped they wouldn't do some sort of background check on him. Although he worked with the Joker to swipe his record clean and get rid of any witnesses or people who knew too much, he hoped his past didn't follow him to Gotham.

"Sorry to barge in on you like this unexpectedly." One of the male officers said.

"It it quite alright, it is your job." They nodded in agreement.

"We understand that Robert McCoy's death had been a suicide; we wanted to ask if you know anyone who could have given him the shank." Suddenly all his worries had been dissolved.

"I haven't the slightest idea. It surprises me as well as to how he could have gotten it...As you know, he was located in a different part of the asylum-where the other patients weren't dangerous at all." They nodded again, agreeing with his statement.

"That's what made it easier for someone to give him, you know, not a lot of precautions are taken with patients like this." One of the cops spoke up

"Did he show any signs of depression, raise any red flags?" asked the other cop, the one who had stayed silent the whole time. As if he was watching Jonathan.

"Not at all, he seemed to have suffered some type of mental breakdown though, but I would have never imagined he would resort to suicide." Jonathan tried to muster up the best sympathetic look he could. Both cops took the bait. He still couldn't understand why they were even here and then-

"You have another patient that was in the same ward as Robert right?" This question confused him.

"Yes but what-" So that is their angle. Riley. What could they possibly want with her? She is practically harmless.

"Dr. Crane?" He was pulled out of his thoughts. He quickly composed himself and cleared his throat and glanced at the time. It was almost time for Riley's session. If they were going to question her, he wanted it to be in his office; where he could eavesdrop.

"Yes I do; in fact, I have a session with her in a few moments... If you wish to question her in private, you are welcomed to do so in my office. I will gladly leave the room." The cops seemed pleased with his response and exchanged looks with each other.

"That would actually be really convenient, thank you for being very cooperative Dr. Crane."

"Oh that is no problem." He gave them a reassuring smile. There was a knock on his door, causing him to glance at his watch briefly. 1:50. it wasn't time for Riley's session yet, so who could have been? Dr. West? No, West hasn't visited him since he kicked him out of his office. "Come in." Riley's wild mane of hair came through the door. There was something about the way she did it. It wasn't her usual manner that he was used to. He stood up along with the police officers following suit. "Riley, these officers are here wished to speak with you." She nodded, not saying a word.

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