Chapter 10- The House That Dropped On The Wicked Witch Of The East.

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Dr. Jonathan Crane watched in the shadows as Charlie Lenore sat at his kitchen table in his shitty apartment in deep thought. Charlie has been staring at the bottle of Jack for the past twenty minutes, wondering if he should drink it or not. After his daughter's birthday, he has been sober; and it was honestly a struggle. Riley had successfully managed to get under his skin this time. Deep down through all the sickening and disgusting things he had done to his daughter, he felt remorseful and ashamed. He had been going through a very dark time in his life; and although that was no excuse, it was the only thing he had to keep telling himself so he wouldn't go completely crazy.

"Damn it Charlie; hold yourself together!" He shouted angrily at himself whilst slamming his fist on the table.

"You know, I'm no doctor, but they say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness." Jonathan said darkly. He removed himself from the shadows. Charlie startled, knocked over the chair he was sitting on. His eyes widened.

"Wha-" Jonathan cut him off by chuckling darkly.

"Wait, actually I am a doctor."

"Dr. Crane, how did you get in here?" Charlie managed to choke out.

"The door." He said in a duh manner. Charlie on the other hand, was not amused.

"W-what do want?"

"Charlie; honestly don't look so scared... at least not yet."

The next time Charlie woke up, he was still in his apartment, but this time he was tied to the chair he was previously sitting on when he was contemplating drinking.

"Finally, now that you are awake, we can begin."Jonathan's dark voice came from shadows. Charlie jumped at the voice and looked around the nearly dark room. He gritted his teeth when he couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from.

"Show yourself coward!" He yelled. He heard a chuckle and watched as Jonathan revealed himself from the shadows.

"Coward; me, or are you referring to yourself?" Charlie didn't say anything, and just sat there glaring at Jonathan.

"A coward is a father who cares more about a bottle of Jack than his own wife and child; a coward is a father who beats his child; a coward Charlie is a father who takes his little girls innocence... So what does that mean Charlie?"

"Fuck you." Jonathan was unfazed. He laughed menacingly.

"Sorry to disappoint you Charlie, but I don't go that way." He spat.

"And besides, I am not your type; you seem to go for little girls who can't defend themselves." He took out his briefcase and laid it on the table. "Anyway you see Charlie; the coward here is actually you." Jonathan popped open his briefcase and stared longingly at his fear toxin syringes.

"Look whoever is paying you, I-I'll pay double; triple even!" Charlie said desperately trying to reason with a madman.

"How would you even afford it when you can't even afford a nice tie?" Charlie looked at him bewildered, but that quickly turned to anger. "Furthermore, no one is paying me; it's more for Riley than anything, she needs the closure." He said in a nonchalant tone while taking out a clipboard to record his proceedings.

"Don't let that little cunt fool you; she liked it... she moaned daddy the whole time." Jonathan cringed; it was time to shut this bastard up once and for all. When Charlie saw the syringe filled with some weird liquid, he started to panic. He was deathly afraid of needles. They were his worst fear.

"P-please... anything, anything but that." He pleaded pathetically. Jonathan pretended to look concerned; he put a hand to his ear and leaned closer.

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