Chapter 11- Confessions.

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Dr. Jonathan Crane sat at his mahogany desk in deep thought. Although he has finally gotten answers to most of his questions-which almost all of them pertained to Riley. But there were still some burning questions that he still didn't have answers to, the main one being: why were his guinea pigs to his experiments killing themselves, and how. Was it really that easy for them to get their hands on sharp objects? After the Robert McCoy incident, they started being less lenient; even replacing the all the forks with spoons. He quietly decided to work on finding the answer to that next.

He thought about taking another shot of his Brandy that he kept in the confines of his desk. This wasn't a special occasion in the slightest, but he needed it to cool his nerves. The realization, that the detectives didn't pay him a visit after he killed Riley's father worried him more than calmed him. It was suspicious, and although he wasn't afraid of them finding out, and taking him away; he was afraid of leaving Riley behind. The blonde messy mane woman grew on him. She amused him, and he didn't miss the fact that he was still interested in her, regardless of learning everything about her. It had even gotten to the point where he was unsure whether he wanted to use his toxin on her or not. That look she gave him he broke her was poignant enough to make him never want to see it again. Even if she became the whole reason of perfecting his fear toxin so he could use it on her, he still couldn't bring himself to do it. Jonathan finally came to terms and recognized that he had been harboring feelings for her. Instead of pushing them away and being in denial about it, he decided to make peace with it. But what would she think about them? This was just another question he dwelled on.

"So have you talked to Dr. Stanley about getting these things removed?" Riley said motioning to her cuffs.

"I had mentioned it to him; he should be here to talk about it in a few minutes." This news shocked her.

"Like during our session?"

"Yes, he has to evaluate for himself to see if it's safe... Is that a problem Riley?"

"N-no not at all. I am just a little surprised is all." She stuttered out.

"Are you nervous?" he asked amused by her stammering.

"Maybe..." She admitted.

"Why is that?"

"He is just a weirdo." Jonathan chuckled.

"How so?"

"He just-" Before she could say anything more, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He said knowing who it was. Dr. Stanley walked in with his horrid toupee that looked as though it could fly off any minute. "Ah Dr. Stanley! Thank you for stopping by." Jonathan got up quick to give Dr. Stanley a quick, firm handshake. Stanley smiled and nodded at him before taking a seat next to Riley.

"Hello Riley."

"Hello Dr. Stanley."

"You are looking a lot better Riley." She smiled and didn't say anything.

"Yes, Riley suffered from a mental breakdown, but I was able to bring her out of it. She is essentially rehabilitated." Riley gave him a 'what the fuck' look.

"That is excellent Riley! What do you think huh; wouldn't you like to finally get out of here?" She made an expression that Jonathan couldn't figure out.

"Yeah that would be nice; but I think Dr. Crane gives me too much credit."

"Also, I would like to speak about getting handcuffs off Riley; she has made a full recovery, and I don't see the need for them anymore. Furthermore, she has also written apology letters to all of the people she brought trouble upon." The look on Riley's face was priceless. He actually wrote the letters himself, impersonating Riley, a lot of work really. Stanley gave a shocked look at him and then turned it towards Riley.

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