Chapter 8- Scarecrows Don't Talk.

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The lingering questions of how Riley's mother actually died bore their way into Jonathan's mind. He wasn't entirely sure that she even caught on to the mistake of not keeping up with appearances. Of course he'd known that he was right all along; she didn't kill her mother; that was for certain. There was however, another question that he wanted to know: What did Riley's dad do to her that made her cower in fear and landed her at Arkham Asylum in the first place? He knew for a fact he didn't want Riley to suspect his knowledge of her fear. Knowing her fear was tangible, he was one hundred percent sure that the toxin will work beautifully on her. All her repressed memories will flash before her eyes, and she will relive the horror over and over again.

Dr. West had also become somewhat of a problem for Jonathan. It was almost as if the tasteless tie wearing man was following him; watching his every move. Although West would fall victim to his fear toxin soon, that didn't take away from the fact that the doctor was planning something. He had to be careful; he took West's job position, killed his wife, and brutally insulted him. That was enough to make anyone want some sort of revenge. He hadn't regretted it either, the pure look of utter fear on West's face overpowered his decision making skills. It scared West to know or think that he knew everything about him, and the way West reacted, told him that he hit the hammer right on the nail. His profiling skills were superior and if West didn't cry in his shower, he certainly would be now.

Back to Riley; he knew he would have to reopen some old wounds to get to the bottom of her mysterious past. She would probably hate him afterwards, but that was a risk he was willing to take. It would fill this longing need, a void to understand her-know everything about her. So if it took some harsh words, then so be it. It was a necessary evil. Even though he had excellent profiling skills, they render useless against Riley; like she had some invisible barrier or she had a first-class speech level that she used to get out of anything, evading all questions she didn't want to answer. Did he want to understand her though? Once he knew everything about her, would that cause him to lose interest in the lion? Another risk he had to be forced to take; he couldn't help that he needed to fill the void. It humored him to think that in just a short couple of months, she was able to completely take over his mind and force her way into every thought, every idea; and make it only about her. He thought back to when he first started having those insatiable and unquenchable feelings towards. It was that damned white dress. He couldn't get over the way it accentuated her figure; enticed the curve her hips, making him want to run his slim fingers against them and trace her every outline. The cleavage of the dress wasn't much, but it was enough. He loved to see her chest rise slowly up and down. Finally, her legs are what enticed him the most. They were average to untrained eye; but to him they were the most perfect appendages he'd ever seen. They weren't skinny and they weren't overbearing. They were perfect size for him to wrap his hands around.

The knock on the door became evident as he was pulled out of his sexual daydream. Glancing briefly at his watch, he grew to be well aware that he daydreamed for an hour. He quickly made his way to doctor chair. A foreign-in every sense of the word, feeling overcame him and he looked down to his lap. His penis was erect and very noticeable through dress pants. It painfully strained against his briefs, begging for immediate release. The person who was responsible for this occurrence was outside his door.

"Come in." He said after attempting to hide this boner by crossing his legs and putting his notebook on his lap. Riley walked happily into his office without peeking in. He found himself missing that small quirk. The dress she wore was a soft peach. It reminded him of her white one, but it didn't have the same affect on him. The white conveyed innocence, a pure innocence that she held. Her combat boots thumped across the floor as she plopped on the couch. The throbbing in his pants finally ceased after keeping his mind off taking her right then. He focused on the more important matter at hand. He gave her a brief smile.

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