Chapter 12- The Scarecrow Gets Brain.

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I can't stop laughing at the title.  Umm.  So you already know what it's going to be about. Haha uhh if you're uncomfortable with that type of thing then you can skip it. I mean it's just a little something,  Nothing serious.

After a couple shots of Brandy, Dr. Jonathan Crane finally calmed down. It was just like high-school all over again. He cursed himself for letting that little lion cub have such a hold on him. After he put so much time and effort to get her to like him, he felt like he was drained; emotionally and physically. Jonathan put the cold glass up to his forehead to cool down. Suddenly he was hot and cold at the same time; food had no taste, and no amount of water could quench his thirst. Is this what heartbreak felt like? A knock on his door pulled him out of his thoughts. He glanced at his watch. Dr. Stanley was in a meeting with the board for his unethical conduct, and Riley wasn’t due for another twenty minutes. Which he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to see her right now. He considered canceling their session. The knock grew louder. He didn’t move from his seat and told the person to come in. Wild blonde hair bounced in the office. The shock on his face was eminent and there was no hiding it.

“Riley?!” He shouted whispered. He wanted to say more, but he stopped when he saw what she was wearing: The white dress. That same dress he has fantasized about so many times.

“W-what are you doing here? It is not two, I know you like to be punctual, but come on.” He tried to hold his resolve. Which was crumbling slowly by the minute as she stood there looking innocent, As if she knew what she was doing, like she knew she was breaking him down little by little.

“I have something I wanted to tell you.” She said sternly.

“And it couldn’t wait until our session?”

“You were going to cancel it.” That was a little unnerving to Jonathan; how could she possible know that, when he didn’t make the call?

“You don’t know that Riley.” He stated calmly. She scoffed and ran her fingers though her hair.

“Just listen okay?” He sighed defeated.

“Very well; speak.”

“I-” A knock on the door cut her off. She looked panicked.

“Who is that?” She whispered, a little frantic.

“I am not sure.” He then looks towards the door. “Who is it?” He called out.


“Shit.” They both whispered in unison. “Well hold on, this will only take a minute.” He walked towards the door and opened it for him. West had on a better suit and a conservative tie. He actually looked somewhat presentable; if it wasn’t for his disheveled hair. Jonathan sighed and turned to sit at his desk. He stopped when he noticed Riley was nowhere to be seen. Where was she?

“Is there something wrong Crane?” West asked suspiciously.

“Nothing at all.” He continued on and sat at his desk. He rested his chin on the top of his interlaced hands.

“What can I help you with?” West just stared at him for a minute before he finally spoke:

“I guess I came here to apologize for a second time… although I waited and waited for you to come by and do it first.” That caused a chuckle from Jonathan.

“You can’t be serious… Let me get this straight; first, you accuse me of fu- having sexual intercourse with Riley, which you had lead the police to believe I have also—let’s not even speak on the fact you called her, what was that? Oh that’s right a hot piece of ass. Then you issued drugs to her—without my permission, may I add, all to get back at me… just for the sake of calling you pathetic. It’s quite ridiculous really. So no; I am not going to apologize.” His voice rose and rose. West had managed to piss him off, and he was not in the mood for false pleasantries. He felt his pants being unzipped. He would have jumped if West hadn’t been there, but he kept his front up, if he freaked out about if now and jump up with his pants unzipped, West would surely fuck him over without a second thought. He knew immediately who it was. It was Riley. But what on earth did she think she was doing? He reached under the table discreetly, while keeping his eyes on West’s pacing form. Jonathan felt Riley suck his index finger and bit it playfully. The pleasure from that instantly made him stiffen, and he jumped a little bit. Thankfully, West didn’t catch the sudden movement.

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