Chapter 9- The Lion Gets Courage.

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Umm. Okay so I was fangirling because AlexWinchester18 voted for every single chapter as well. I love you okay? Also, of you didn't know; I have a Loki fanfic. It's super rad, and you should check it out. Thank you Alex for voting for that story as well.

Dr. Jonathan Crane did not see Riley for a few sessions after he broke her. This concerned him that she may never get over what he did. Every session day at two o' clock, he waited and waited for her. When he finally did ask about her whereabouts, he was told that she was in solitary confinement for biting a guard; and punching two other guards in the face. This was certainly not what he expected her to react like. He got word that she now has to be handcuffed, and have two guards on staff wherever she goes. Ultimately, he almost lost her after the board decided it might be best if she was moved to a different ward. After she missed about a month worth of sessions, they decided she was well enough to proceed with her sessions again.

Jonathan was impatiently waiting for two o' clock to roll around so he could finally have a chance to talk to Riley. Flashbacks of their last conversation replayed over and over in his mind. When he was breaking her, she was reacting as if he had given her fear toxin. It made him a little pleased to know that he could strike such fear into her without the help of his toxin. Same with Dr. West, he struck fear in West with words instead of toxin; it brought a great sense of smugness to him. He got up from his office chair and adjusted his tie; walking over to sit down in his session chair. He was having a little bit of a hard time trying to relax when the clock was ticking towards his desired time.

Riley was on so much drugs that her guards had to help her into the room, and sit her down. She wore what looked like a hospital dress, and the only accessories were the handcuffs she sported. This infuriated him.

"Excuse me, but why does my patient look like she lost touch with reality?" He asked one of the guards that brought her in. That was the first time he referred to her as a patient, out loud of course. The guard was taken aback by Jonathan's sudden abrasiveness.

"Well, she has been having violent episodes; so the orderly gave her something to keep her calm." He scoffed.

"At least un-cuff her; seeing as the poor girl could barely stand."

"We can't; she has become too aggressive. We have specific orders to keep her cuffed."

"Orders from whom?"

"Dr. Stanley."

"Well at any rate, I want her taken off whatever meds she is on; I don't want pills, and nothing shot in her veins; do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Dr. Crane."

"Good, then send Dr. Stanley my regards when you do." The guard gave him a confused look.

"Dr. Stanley didn't sign for the meds."

"Then who issued them?"

"Dr. West."

The whole session was a complete failure. He decided it would be best to see Riley again when she was off medication. He was furious that Dr. West would stoop so low as to give Riley unnecessary medication to get back at him; and he wasn't the least bit surprised. Jonathan paced his office back and forth in thought, waiting impatiently for Dr. Stanley to arrive so he could have a proper talk with him.

When the knock on his door sounded, he almost ran to open it. Dr. Stanley; a man in his mid-forties, balding, was wearing a god-awful toupee to match his suit he was wearing.

"Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice Dr. Stanley." He said politely.

"No problem Dr. Crane; you're one of my best doctors; there is always time for you." He smiled pleasantly. Jonathan gestured him to sit down, which Dr. Stanley refused and said he didn't mind standing. He claims it's because he has to sit in a chair all day. Jonathan cleared his throat.

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