Chapter 5- Not So Cowardly Lion.

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Since the session where she had asked him all those questions, and he perfectly evaded the last one, she has been hounding him for the answer. He couldn’t understand why she initially wanted to learn more about him in the first place.  Whatever the reason was, it made him felt a certain way. Suddenly he wanted to know more about her, understand her; her personal demons, her… fears. He decided to put that nickname ‘Cowardly Lion’ to the test.

He hasn’t seen Dr. West in a while, which was a blessing… and a curse. He didn’t have to deal with his horrible taste in ties, his scuffed shoes, or his inappropriate banter. But the downfall of it all was he could be catching on to him.  This time off could be spent sticking his nose where it doesn’t fucking belong instead of grieving. Yes… he could be telling the cops right now about how he doesn’t think Dr. Jonathan Crane could be trusted. But he didn’t believe this feeling was paranoia, he believe he was being cautious. He wasn’t the least bit scared of authority figures, or afraid he was going to get caught; it was actually thrilling to know that at any moment the cops could barge in here to apprehend him. Jonathan had a plan of course, and enough fear toxins to poison ten men.

The soft knocks at the door notified him of Riley’s session. He did the usual: sat in his seat, and told her she could enter. This session, he wanted to finally focus on her fears. His mouth almost watered when he thought about how helpless and scared she would be. How the fear would cloud her eyes, and her mouth; he could just picture her as the silent scream type. No. No he wanted to hear her scream. He wanted to hear the sobs, the pleas from her mouth. It would be beautiful. She poked her blonde mess in like usual and let herself in. She wore a red sweatshirt with a jean button up collar poking through the top and the edges showing at the bottom; the shirt was so big; you could hardly see the jean shorts she was wearing.  Her legs were showing again, and he knew it would render it difficult for him to focus on the task at hand and not think about it. Again she waited for him to tell her she could sit down.

“You may sit.” She flashed a small smile and sat down on the loveseat. He wanted to know more about her mannerisms, and why she does them. “Hello Riley.”

“Hello Dr. Crane.” She copied his voice.

“May I ask why do you always poke your head through the door before entering?” She furrowed her eyebrows and focused on her forever black chipping nails.

“I do that?” The fact that she doesn’t notice, made him amused even more.

“Yes, you very much do.” She sighed and gazed up at him, her pale blue eyes told a story.

“I thought I stopped doing that a long time ago… it’s weird.”

“You also always wait for me to tell you, you can sit.” Her eyebrows didn’t leave their furrow, and her gaze stayed on his.

“I just like to be polite is all. I don’t like just coming in and sitting down like I own the place.” He had to chuckle at that.

“Well I can imagine it is quite alright for you to sit without me telling you to.”

“It’s weird…” That is the second time she has said that.

“What do you define as normal?”

“Not me.” He couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Riley… What is it do you fear?” She got an expression on her face that he couldn’t make out.

“I don’t fear anything. Life is too short for that.” He didn’t believe that for a fact.

“Impossible. There has to be at least one thing you are afraid of.” She smirks.

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