Chapter 15- The Yellow Brick Road To Freedom.

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I am soooooo Sorry you guys. I got my phone cut off and I planned on buying interent. But it took forever to get it because of where I lived. If I would have known it was going to take this long I would have said something.

It was their last session together, and Riley knew it. She didn’t seem particularly happy about it either. They have not spoken one word to each other the entire time, since their session started. But what could Jonathan Crane do? She could be a free woman, and he was going to be a wanted criminal who would have to live in the most horrible part of Gotham: the narrows, just to stay out of the cops grasp. Although he wished he could take her with him, he knew she was better off with a man who had a stable life, one who could give her the life she wanted; the life he felt she deserved. As much as he wanted to be selfish, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He sighed deeply.

“Riley, would you please stop pouting; and enjoy our last day together?” She narrowed her eyes.

“Fuck you.” She was being unbelievably cross with him, and he didn’t blame her. He tried to lighten the mood.

“Do you want to?” He couldn’t believe has gotten so inappropriate these last few weeks. He found himself to more things he wouldn’t normally do all because of Riley’s influence. She scoffed.

“If you honestly believe I am going to fuck you after you told me you’re leaving me in this hellhole, you’re sadly mistaken.” She crossed her arms. He noticed she was wearing a black sweatshirt, which was odd in this heat. He got up and sat next to Riley on the love seat. “Keep your distance Dr. Crane.” she warned. The way she said his last name left a little sour in his mouth.

“Jonathan.” He corrected.

“Dr. Crane” She argued with him. Jonathan sighed.

“Aren’t you hot in that?” He asked, already knowing the answer.

“Nope.” She answered quickly. Clearly he could see the tiny beads of sweat forming on her brow.

“I-” He started but was abruptly stopped when Riley stood up quickly.

“I’m leaving.” She stated. Before he could think, he grabbed her wrist harshly. He noticed she winced and that when he realized it.

“Lift up your sleeves.” Her eyes widen slightly.

“What? No.” She tried to relieve herself from his grasp, only to have him tighten it. She whimpered. “Jonathan… you’re hurting me.” She gave him the best innocent, pleading look she could muster. He didn’t budge; instead, he lifted up her other sleeve, and saw the horror: deep cuts going vertically down her arm.

“Riley… what the fuck?” He was so angry with her; he couldn’t stop himself from shaking and raising his voice. She cringed.

“God it’s just a few cuts.” Jonathan couldn’t believe his ears.

“A few cuts? Riley you nearly fucking mutilated your arm!”

“So what?” She spat.

“Do you not care that you’re hurting yourself?” He asked as if the answer wasn’t the most obvious thing in the world.

“Why should I? No one cares about me…” That hurt him, deeply. He let go of her.

“Leave.” Her eyes bulged, like she couldn’t believe he said that.


“Now; I won’t ask again.” A tear rolled down the left side of her face, and she quickly wiped it away, and blinked back the others.

“Okay…” She went to the door and flinched when she touched the doorknob. “I did it… I did it because I couldn’t deal with the fact that you’re leaving me. I… I have never felt this way about anyone before, and I don’t want to feel this way about anyone but you. I kept wondering why you didn’t offer to take me with you, and then I figured it’s because you probably think I am better off. But the truth is, I would go anywhere with you—do anything for you. I think I proved that. Have a nice life Jonathan Crane, I will miss you.” Even though he was beyond angry with her, those words warmed him inside. He had to make a decision, and he had to make it now. He took a deep breath before calling out to her:

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